Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module students will:
Apply the basic concepts and principles which underpin Health Promotion and psychosocial determinants of health.
Distinguish the different requirements of Health Promotion in contrasting settings.
Demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate current findings to identify needs of key populations and prioritise health strategies.
Synthesise the evidence for effective public health interventions for key population groups incorporating health promotion principles.
To apply planning and theoretical models to develop health promotion strategies.
Synthesise information from a number of sources in order to gain a coherent understanding of theory and practice.
Interact appropriately in group settings.
Indicative Module Content:
Introduction. Concepts of Health and Principles of Health Promotion.
Models of Health Promotion; HP Practice
HP Planning
HP in HSE and Community
Settings based HP Schools, Cities, Hospitals, Workplace
Theories of change
Health in all Policies
HP Advocacy
Health Literacy
Ethics in HP