Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will
1.Have an understanding of the concepts of public health and the organisation, structure and function of the health services
2.Understand roles of public health practitioners
3. Be able to identify sources of health information for public health
4.Understand the requirements for successful public health practice (including advocacy, audit & league tables, health impact assessment, health needs assessment)
4. Be able to apply theoretical knowledge of health needs assessment, health impact assessment and advocacy to practical examples and scenarios
5. Be able to apply knowledge to practical clinical audit
6. Be able to apply their knowledge to the preparation of public health memos/preparation for media and other responses, suited to varying audiences
Indicative Module Content:
Public health structures & functions
Public health policy development
Public health response to smoking and substance abuse
Public health advocacy & application
Health impact assessment & application
Health needs assessment & application
Health information
Audit & league tables
Preparation of public health memos for different audiences, preparation for media appearance
Presentation skills