Learning Outcomes:
Following the completion of this module you will be expected to:
1. Understand how precision oncology helps doctors to select the right targeted treatment in the right dose at the right time for each patient based on the genetic and molecular understanding of their individual disease.
2. Develop a multidisciplinary mindset to understand precision oncology research, and to be able to translate it into the clinic.
3. Understand the basic concepts of the technologies/platforms (e.g., genomics, proteomics etc.) used in precision oncology.
4. Be able to interpret the genetic, genomic, and other molecular data generated; and recognize actionable targets, predictive and prognostic markers.
5. Identify the main molecular diagnostic tests currently used in clinical practice; and be aware of molecular tests coming down the line.
6. Understand the importance of multidisciplinary approaches in patient care; understand the diagnostic work-up of a cancer patient, the role of the pathologist and bioinformatician in making a precise diagnosis; the impact of this diagnosis on the subsequent treatment of the patient.
Indicative Module Content:
Tumour Biology
Cancer Genomics
Molecular Oncology
Network Biology