Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module students should:
i) be aware of current clinical biomarker measurements - their benefits and limitations - in specific disease areas;
ii) understand how new 'omics methods are being applied to the discovery of biomarkers;
iii) appreciate the steps involved in progressing new biomarker discoveries to clinical use;
iv) be able to critically evaluate the potential of 'omics and other technologies to deliver biomarkers;
v) understand the challenges faced in delivering new biomarkers for 'personalised medicine'.
Indicative Module Content:
Small group lectures/seminars are given to cover: General Introduction to Clinical Biomarkers; Biobanking; Role of biomarkers in disease risk identification and screening; Biomarkers in aiding diagnosis, assessing prognosis and treatment & monitoring; Discovery and Development of Biomarkers: A case study of aspects and issue of Biomarker Validation & Translation into the Clinic; Proteomics & Protein Biomarker Discovery; Making an imprint on tumour diagnostics: the role of Epigenetics, Translation of Prostate Cancer Protein Biomarkers; Imaging Biomarkers: In Vivo Context; Clinical Diagnostics in Practice; Commercialisation of Biomarkers; Principles of Clinical Biomarker Validation;