Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe the social determinants of health for specific global health challenges.
2. Critically examine the patterns of global health challenges over time and how leadership and policy have influenced these.
3. Explain and evaluate key global health structures of leadership, with a specific focus on power, ethics and representation, and how they influence and shape health agendas and progress worldwide
4. Describe how global policies are developed and who is involved in decision-making.
5. Apply key leadership and systems thinking concepts to address a critical global health challenge.
Indicative Module Content:
• Current policies and global initiatives, including Social Determinants of Health and Universal Health Coverage
• Global Burden of Disease and disease patterns for key global health topics, including Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, Non-communicable Disease, and Infectious Disease
• Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequity
• Global Health Actors, Leaders and Stakeholders, including UN Bodies, Governments and Government Initiatives (G7, G20 etc), Academia, NGOs, CBOs etc.
• Leadership representation and power within Global Health, with a focus on gender
• Evidence and decision-making within global health, including how guidelines are developed
• Tools for issue and stakeholder identification, including gender analysis and stakeholder mapping