Learning Outcomes:
On completion the student will be able to:
• Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the clinical care needs of children with complex health issues.
• Critically evaluate the key constituents of a successful transition to home for the child with complex care needs and their families.
• Critically discuss the impact of medical interventions and technology on the psychosocial well-being of children and their families
• Critically evaluate standards of care and outcome measurements for children with complex care needs.
Indicative Module Content:
This Module comprises four units.
Unit 1: (3 weeks) Complexity in Clinical Care:
This module will help you to understand the concept of complexity in the clinical care of children. You will explore the various meanings of this concept internationally and the various approaches to the organisation of health services for this population.
Unit 2: (3 weeks) The Role of Technology in Palliative / Complex Care:
Exploring the use of technology in supporting children and adolescents with life- threatening and life-limiting illnesses, this module will include discussion on ethical considerations in the NICU/PICU and the role of the multi-disciplinary team in supporting parents/guardians through critical conversations on care delivery.
Unit 3: (3 weeks) Transitioning to home:
Focusing on theories of transitioning this unit will explore the needs of the child and their family at the point of discharge to home from the acute care services. This will include identifying the key constituents of a successful discharge to home including: planning and preparedness of parents/guardians for the clinical care needs of their child; structured discharge trials; negotiation of homecare packages and issues of equity of access; and the roles and responsibilities of the various members of the multidisciplinary team in managing an effective discharge process.
Unit 4: (3 weeks) Managing care delivery in the home:
This final module considers the structures and processes necessary for optimum care delivery to the child with complex care needs and their family in their home. This includes: issues pertaining to clinical governance in the home; standards of care – international best practice; care coordination; approaches to measuring and enhancing quality care for children with complex care needs in the community