Learning Outcomes:
• Conduct an assessment of your emotional intelligence and leadership behaviours, and identify actions that can be taken to improve your leadership effectiveness.
• Demonstrate an understanding of key leadership-related practices; communicate ideas effectively and contribute productively to a particular discussion group.
• Synthesize information from all the sources that you have written, discussed and reflected upon to support and explain your leadership development journey.
• Reflect on your learning, performance and /or achievements as a leader using Kouzes and Posner's Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model in a written Portfolio.
Indicative Module Content:
Theories of leadership - Kouzes and Posner five leadership practices, visionary leadership, collective leadership, servant Leadership, empowering leadership, authentic leadership, etc
Exploration of leadership and values – why are they important? Self awareness, finding your voice, emotional intelligence
Inspiring a shared vision, discuss various leaders and their vision, critique of vision statements and its relevance and importance ,enlisting and engaging followers
Challenge practices – how, why, who? Resilience and burnout, innovate and create, negotiation, problem solving and role of reflection.
Importance of leadership in relation to team building, trust, collaboration, partnership, empowerment, and culture
How to motivate, reward, compromise with followers, role of celebration, and authentic leadership