Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module, you will be able to:
Critically analyse the most recent evidence related to breast cancer screening.
Critically discuss the clinical presentation of breast cancer and benign breast conditions.
Critically discuss the diagnosis and treatment of malignant and benign breast conditions.
Critically evaluate specific evidence-based assessment and management strategies (nursing and medical) used for the most common disease (breast cancer/benign breast conditions) and treatment-related complications.
Critically appraise the specialist nursing role in relation to the provision of support (physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and informational) for PABC (breast cancer) and benign breast conditions including referral to hospital and credible community based support services in this context.
*PABC: those at high risk of developing cancer, patients, cancer survivors, families/significant others.
Indicative Module Content:
The clinical presentation of breast cancer and benign breast conditions.
The workup and diagnosis of breast cancer and benign breast conditions.
The treatments used for treating early, locally advanced and advanced breast cancers.
Complications of breast cancer (disease and treatment-related).
Assessment and management of the complications of breast cancer and benign breast conditions.
Nursing interventions related to the complications of breast cancer in the context of patient centred care.
Referral to hospital and credible community based support services.