Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Recognise the importance of evidence for nursing or midwifery practice
2. Become familiar with the language of research
3. Summarise published research related to nursing or midwifery practice
4. Identify the relationship between clinical guidelines, clinical audit and evidence-based nursing or midwifery practice
There will be an emphasis on the development of skills in:
1. Identifying sources of evidence for nursing or midwifery practice
2. Connecting the five evidence-based research questions with their corresponding evidence hierarchy
3. Articulating the key features of a research article
4. Recognising and appreciating the critical aspects of intervention study design
5. Linking their practice to research evidence
Core Module Values:
In acquiring the above abilities and skills, this module will contribute to fostering confidence to act with authority in delivering evidence-based nursing or midwifery practice
Indicative Module Content:
The module will introduce terminology relevant to Evidence Based Practice.
Students will be introduced to relevant EBP journals.
Identifying commentaries in EBP Journals and the original paper that the commentary is on.
Types of research questions and Components of EBP research questions.
Identify the type of research question the research paper addresses and identifying the relevant components of the EBP research question.
Research Paradigms
Research Design
Critical Appraisal of a range of research papers that uses the following research design: Cohort Study, Case-Control Study, Randomized Control Study, Ethnography, Phenomenology and Ethnography.
Understanding of Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis and Meta-Synthesis.
Developing implications for practice from reviewing research evidence.