Learning Outcomes:
• On completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Describe concepts of health and wellbeing and key national and international health promotion concepts, models and policies.
- Discuss lifestyle behaviour change and key national recommendations in relation to alcohol, nutrition, tobacco, physical activity and mental health and wellbeing.
- Apply and critique Motivational Interviewing theory within the context of working with individuals and families compassionately and sensitively to promote healthy lifestyles in a person centred way.
- Reflect on and evaluate personal values, beliefs and feelings and their impact on health promotion care delivery.
- Discuss safe and essential nursing care delivery for specified specialist settings e.g. community, mental health, midwifery, intellectual disability, child care and emergency department settings.
- Discuss safeguarding adults at risk of abuse.
- Structure clinical research questions aligned to relevant question types and identify and recognize relevant sources of research information and evidence.
Indicative Module Content:
Concepts of Health and Well-being.
Concepts, models and approaches to Health Promotion. Key National and International Health Promotion policies e.g. Healthy Ireland, Making Every Contact Count, Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion.
Motivational Interviewing and brief interventions.
Topics: behaviour change, tobacco, physical activity, nutrition, alcohol, mental health and well being.
Key nursing care of people in specialist healthcare settings such as child care, mental health, maternity and community settings and for people who have an intellectual disability.
Research: understanding meaning, prognostic and efficacy studies.