Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate appropriate use of interpersonal skills (initiating interactions, questioning, active listening and responding, limited self-disclosure, therapeutic presence, challenging, facilitative and authoritative interventions) and the concept of recovery and strengths-based approach to mental health nursing.
2. Demonstrate the skill of assessing service users' physical, psychological and social needs, reporting and recording same.
3. Demonstrate knowledge and principles underpinning medication administration as a core component of medication management.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of Adverse Childhood Events and potential links with mental illness and trauma-informed Care as a collaborative and respectful means of therapeutic intervention.
5. Demonstrate ability to critically reflect on the nursing student caring response to service users with a mental illness.
Indicative Module Content:
Further develop knowledge and skill in relation to the care of the person diagnosed with a mental health disorder (Anxiety, Depression, Mood/Bipolar disorders, Schizophrenia, Personality Disorders)
Review and enhancement of communication skills including more advanced communication skills such as supportive challenging/confronting and reflection
Nursing interventions and approaches for mental health nursing including nursing values, strengths-based, trauma-informed, and recovery-oriented approaches to care
A unit on medication administration (Oral)
Lecture on Adverse Childhood Experiences and their potential impact
Clinical skill work on interventions relative to the above with a focus on meeting a person's nutritional and hygiene needs, establishing rapport, motivation, using empathy.