Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, students will be able to:
• Summarise the insights gained from reading a piece of scholarly writing.
• Present their own critical appraisal of scholarly writing.
• Engage productively and helpfully in academic discussions with other scholars.
• Write clearly and confidently about their impressions of a piece of scholarly writing.
Indicative Module Content:
Sessions will be organised in pairs. For each pair of sessions, students will be assigned one piece of scholarly writing to read. In the first session, they will discuss their impressions of this piece of writing with the module coordinator. In the second, they will participate in a question-and-answer session with the author, moderated by the module coordinator. Through their discussions with the lecturer and the authors, students will develop their skills in critically appraising scholarly work in an independent, productive, and constructive way. Furthermore, the authors and their writings will cover a wide variety of topics in musicology, allowing students to explore a range of interests within a single module and to gain an understanding of the contemporary state of the discipline. For each of the five pairs of sessions, students will write a reading report of 500 words, leading to a combined portfolio of c. 2500 words.