Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the module students should
- link processing routes – solidification or plastic deformation – to evolving microstructure in metals
- appreciate the resultant link between metals processing and their properties
- design and select processes to engineer properties into alloys
- know how to interpret phase diagrams and how they can be used to understand alloy solidification and other phase transformations
- be able to apply solidification science to relevant manufacturing processes such as casting, welding and additive manufacturing
- develop knowledge of the fundamentals of plasticity in metals and how it can be harnessed in simultaneously changing shape and enhancing properties.
- have the ability to take friction into account in analysing metal forming processes
- be equipped to specify and design near net shape manufacturing routes for applications in a broad range of engineering sectors
- be confident and equipped to start a career in this field.
Indicative Module Content:
Introduction to near net shape manufacturing.
Fundamentals of alloy solidification.
Advanced casting, welding and additive manufacturing processes.
Plastic deformation of metals.
Selection and detailed design of metal forming processes.
Case studies from commercial applications.