Learning Outcomes:
1. Relate the theory of decision analysis to decision making in engineering operations.
2. Demonstrate the application of quantitative tools and techniques to enable decision making in engineering operations environments.
3. Critique the results of decisions made with a view to improving engineering management decision making competency.
4. Apply both oral and written communication through continuous in-class discussions and written reports.
5. Assess published academic and practitioner research related to decision analysis to support in-class discussions and written reports.
Indicative Module Content:
Topics include:-
Introduction to quantitative decision making, modelling, simulation, underlying theory and concepts.
Problem identification, solution formulation, verification and validation.
Decision analysis, decision making with probabilities, decision trees. Spreadsheet computational tools, Linear and Non Linear Programming, Solver, Software packages for simulation.
Development of discrete event simulation models using manual techniques, Excel spreadsheets, Excel Monte Carlo methods and also the Extend simulation software package.
Use of probability distributions including empirical, normal, exponential, beta, triangular, etc.. Analysis of expected values and model outcomes. Queuing Theory, Reliability Theory.
Applications from sectors including service, industrial, manufacturing and financial.