Learning Outcomes:
Learning outcomes for this module include:
1. History taking (This will be more demo and practice rather than didactic)
a. Student can take a full and complete history from a patient at all life stages and in the acute and community setting
b. Students can generate a patient problem list using the biopsychosocial model
c. Students can generate a differential diagnosis for the following complaints (suggested basic core cases in Resp, Cardio, Renal, GI)
2. Physical Examination
a. Students understand the anatomical and physical principles underlying basic systems examination
b. Students have mastered the skill of full physical examination for all major systems and at all life stages.
3. Professionalism & Behaviour
a. Students understand and apply the principles of professional behaviour in their encounters with patients in Belfield and clinical sites
b. Choice, consent and confidentiality underpin all clinical encounters
4. Practical Procedures
a. Handwashing & infection control (include sign off)
b. Venepuncture/cannulation, taking blood & accidental needlestick injury
c. BP, urinalysis, BLS
d. Mini ATLS – ABC principles
5. The Consultation and Communication Skills in Practice
a. The art of communication
b. Models of communication in practice
6. Care in Medicine
a. Students develop an empathic and patient centered approach to patients
7. Biomedical science underpinning all of the above
a. Science of empathy
b. Psychology of illness, care, resilience
c. Structure of the health service and access to care
d. Medical Care as a right
e. Conservative practice / economics of medical care (this may crossover/be better placed in PCP)
There will be 10 clinical skills workshops on the topics listed below.
1. Respiratory
2. Cardiovascular
3. Cardiovascular/Endocrine
4. GI
5. GU
6. GU Procedures
7. Locomotor (reduced from all joints to back, hip and knees only)
8. Peripheral Neurology
9. Cranial Nerves
10. Procedures/Infection Control
Students will also receive refresher training in Basic Life Support