Learning Outcomes:
Biomedical Knowledge: Having successfully completed this module, students should be able to discuss the pathogenesis and natural history of illnesses affecting the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the functional consequences of them, and the body's attempts at compensation.
Clinical Skills:Having successfully completed this module, students should be able to outline the consequences of the above processes from patient's perspective and the clinical presentation of these ilnesses. In particular they should be able to take a basic cardiovascular and respiratory history from a patient. They shoule be able to discuss common cardiovascular and respiratory symptoms and to be familiar with the common causes of symptoms such as dyspnoea and chest pain. They should be able to assess the arterial pulse and measure blood pressure. They should be familiar with the peripheral signs of cardiac disease and be able to carry out a respiratory examination.
Professionalism: Having successfully completed this module students will have improved their personal and professional skills by participating in group based interactive tutorials and clinical skills sessions.