Learning Outcomes:
Learning outcomes:
a) Develop advanced knowledge and practical skills around key issues in advanced life support in cardiac emergencies including epidemiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and therapeutics
b) Develop advanced knowledge and practical skills around key issues in advanced life support in trauma emergencies including epidemiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and therapeutics
c) Develop advanced knowledge and practical skills of medical emergencies in sports medicine including epidemiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and therapeutics
d) Develop advanced knowledge and practical skills of sports medicine leadership and management including major incident management, stadium and systems organisation/leadership and team work
e) Develop advanced knowledge and practical skills of specialised sports medicine subjects such as diving medicine, extremes of heat, and specialised sporting populations.
Graduate Attributes for Professional Certificate:
Graduates will have acquired a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical management of these major emergencies. In addition graduates will have acquired an in depth understanding of the application of this knowledge to clinical cases through repetitive skills simulations and scenarios.
Indicative Module Content:
1) Acute Cardiac Emergencies
General cardiology theory including acute coronary syndrome and cardiac life support management update
Tachy/brady arrhythmias
2) Acute Trauma Emergencies
General trauma theory
Concussion and head injury
Pain Management
3) Medical Emergencies in Sport
General assessment to acute medically unwell athlete.
Workshop - Doctors bag – Equipment
4) Sports Issues- Management/Leadership and Planning
Major incident planning - stadium/events
Leadership and teamwork
5) Sports issues –Special Circumstances and Special Populations:
Diving Medicine
Managing in-flight emergencies
Extremes of heat – Hypothermia and hyperthermia management
An introduction to specialised populations