Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module, a student should be able to:
• Reflect on his / her clinical practice.
• Understand how techniques such as reflective practice, case reviews, critical incident analysis, Balint, enhance their clinical
practice and professional development.
• Review and critically appraise literature.
• Understand quantitative and qualitative research techniques.
• Design a clinical audit / quality improvement project.
• Appreciate how to collect, manage and analyse data generated in practice in an ethical and GDPR safe manner.
• Understand current policy / recent developments in digital health and apply these in practice
• Appreciate the role of primary care and integrated approaches to healthcare (Slaintecare) as part of a modern health care
• Appreciate the importance of self-care for practitioner health and wellbeing.
Indicative Module Content:
Introduction to Research Methodology
Reviewing the Literature
Population Studies
Clinical Audits
Quality Improvement Plans
Reflective Practice
Quantitative & Qualitative Research
Managing your research data
Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
Statistical Concepts
Research Integrity
Research Ethics
Research Dissemination