Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module you will have made friends, learned skills that you will use throughout your career and got to know us. We hope that UCD Medicine will feel like a big family to you.
In educational terms, you will have gained a basic understanding of concepts fundamental to your future career as a doctor, including:
1. The broad areas of clinical practice in medicine and envision how these might change and advance in your career lifetime
2. The patient perspective ( what matters to me as a patient) and how to involve patients meaningfully in healthcare planning, delivery and research.
3. Media reporting of stories of medical interest. You will be able to critically appraise these and to communicate medical information accurately and confidently to the public and to patients
4. Medicine as a caring profession and the importance of arts, literature and personal growth in developing empathy and caring skills for practice
5. You will acquire basic skills for the study of medicine including how to perform a research or literature search and to report your findings
Indicative Module Content:
Expert led sessions and interactive session to develop your skills as outlined in the module descriptor. Detailed content will be communicated via Brightspace