Learning Outcomes:
The student is expected to develop an understanding of the following concepts:
(i) Gauss' reciprocity law and classification of conics over finite fields
(ii) Point counting over finite fields (Chevalley-Warning Theorem).
(iii) p-adic numbers, basic p-adic analysis, multiplicative structure of p-adic fields, Hensel's Lemma, conics over p-adic fields and Hilbert symbol.
(iv) Hasse-Minkowski theorem and classification of conics over number fields.
The module will cover one of the following 2 threads:
(v) An introduction to elliptic curves (group structure and Mordell-Weil theorem).
(vi) Ideal class group and the class number formula.
Indicative Module Content:
Gauss' reciprocity law and classification of conics over finite fields.
Point counting over finite fields.
p-adic numbers, basic p-adic analysis, multiplicative structure of p-adic fields, Hensel's Lemma.
Conics over p-adic fields and Hilbert symbol.
Hasse-Minkowski theorem and classification of conics over number fields.
An introduction to elliptic curves (group structure and Mordell-Weil theorem).
Ideal class group and the class number formula.