Learning Outcomes:
Students will learn:
To work with and demonstrate an understanding of the mathematical structures and theory underlying quantum computation.
To communicate and apply the topics covered in the module.
To solve problems involving these topics.
Indicative Module Content:
Topics will be selected from the following, as time allows:
1. Basics: state vectors, qubits, Dirac notation, quantum gates, measurement, superposition, tensor products, entanglement, quantum circuits
2. Quantum algorithms: superdense coding, quantum teleportation, the quantum Fourier transform, algorithms of Deutsch, Deutsch-Josza, Simon, Shor, Grover
3. Density operator formalism: density operators, quantum channels, the partial trace, purification, the Schmidt decomposition, measurements
4. Quantum error correction: Shor’s 9 qubit code, outline of the Knill-Laflamme theorem
5. Nonlocal games and Bell inequalities
6. Quantum key distribution