Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module, students will be enabled to:
Present, discuss, and critique the assigned readings from the mathematics research literature related to the following three broad areas: mathematical knowledge for teaching; professional noticing of students' mathematical thinking; and, in-the-moment decision making;
Identify, describe, and analyse ways in which their mathematical knowledge for teaching and noticing of students' mathematical thinking has developed over the course of the trimester, and in doing so, link theory with practice;
Use mathematics education research as a lens with which to examine, and reflect on, practice;
Describe the sections of a "typical" maths education research paper;
Communicate and present findings on theory in practice to a mathematics and mathematics education audience;
Appreciate the role research and critical reflection play in developing as a professional teacher;
Apply APA referencing precisely.
Indicative Module Content:
Pedagogical content knowledge
Mathematical knowledge for teaching
Noticing students' mathematical thinking
In-the-moment decision making and resources, orientations and goals