Learning Outcomes:
Discriminate between the various levels of meaning in language
Analyse the role of context in meaning
Evaluate the various theories concerning the mental lexicon
Distinguish between Lexical and Compositional Semantics
Distinguish Implicatures, Entailments and Presuppositions in language use
Describe the various theories dealing with ordinary language usage
Indicative Module Content:
• Meaning and Literal meaning, Semiotics
• Pragmatics and Semantics, Principles and Rules, Contexts, Speaker Intention
• Theories of Pragmatics - From Ordinary Language Philosophy to Relevance
• Lexical Semantics
• Relationship Between Linguistic Expressions, Sense
• Relationship Between Linguistic Expressions and the World, Reference
• Relationship Between Linguistic Expressions and Language Users
• Lexical Storage and theories of Lexical Semantics