Learning Outcomes:
Understand - how language and society mutually shape each other, - diversity in language use, - the social factors that determine diversity in language use, -the social structure of languages - the factors that shape communication - the nature of the various media of communication and their relationship to each other - the structure of multilingual societies and the factors that condition it - some key phenomena that arise due to contact between languages
Reflect upon and critically assess: - common (lay) views about the socially indexical and constitutive nature of variation in language - views about languages and dialects and their relationship to local social and institutional structure - measures of language planning
Students are not to use AI-based tools - RED
Indicative Module Content:
Selected topics are:
Animal communication,
Linguistic Politeness,
language variation,
how written, spoken and computer-mediated language relate to each other,
language and gender,
language vitality,
aspects for bilingualism and multilingualism