Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module students should be able to:
• Explain the origin, relevance, realism and modes of operation of the LOAC in past and contemporary armed conflicts, as well as the challenges it meets;
• Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental principles, treaty provisions and customary rules of the LOAC, including the need to draw a legal distinction between the various categories of armed conflicts, persons and objects to which different rules of the LOAC apply;
• Examine the relationship between the LOAC and human rights law, and apply both bodies of law concurrently;
• Explain and assess the implementation mechanisms of the LOAC; and
• Relate and apply LOAC concepts and rules to real-life events and critically evaluate legal arguments brought forward by states, non-state armed groups and various other actors involved in armed conflicts.
Indicative Module Content:
Substantive topics for 2025 will be (subject to any amendment):
(1) The Law of Armed Conflict, its rationale, core principles and limits.
(2) The separation of the jus ad bellum from the jus in bello (LOAC) and the sources of the LOAC.
(3) The scope of application of the LOAC: international and non-international armed conflicts (IACs and NIACs).
(4) The principle of distinction and the protection of combatants, prisoners of war (POWs) and persons directly participating in hostilities (DPH).
(5) The protection of civilians in enemy controlled areas, including occupied territories.
(6) The relationship between the LOAC and international human rights law.
(7) The conduct of hostilities.
(8) The protection of the wounded and sick; access to healthcare.
(9) The law of NIACs and non-state armed groups.
(10) Introduction to implementation and judicial enforcement of the LOAC.