Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module, diligent students should:
1. Have a good overview of the principles, techniques and regulatory framework of environmental law at national, European and international levels;
2. Have an in-depth knowledge of current challenges in environmental law and be able to engage in a high level of debate on these challenges;
3. Be able to critically assess potential ways in which environmental law might be changed to improve environmental protection;
4. Have a good understanding of environmental law in practice.
Indicative Module Content:
Due to the breadth of the environmental law field, a number of key substantive areas will be selected for particular focus. Topics vary from year to year but have previously included, for example:
- Who governs the environment? International and European institutions;
- Principles of environmental law;
- Techniques of governing the environment;
- Enforcing environmental law at international and EU levels;
- Human rights and the environment;
- Sustainable development.