Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module you should be able to:
1. Differentiate between legal and illegal expressions according to various international, European, national standards and different factual situations.
2. Analyse key legislation and case-law from different jurisdictions concerning free speech, hate speech and incitement to violence or discrimination.
3. Assess and compare the regulatory approach of different jurisdictions to address hate speech and related issues and the links between different regulatory approaches and underlying socio-cultural issues.
4. Critically analyse judgments dealing with free speech, hate speech and incitement to violence or discrimination issues, and present that analysis as a “case note”.
Indicative Module Content:
This module will cover the following topics:
1. Introduction to legal and illegal expression
2. Hate speech and incitement to violence: The approach of the European Court of Human Rights
3. Hate speech and incitement to violence: The EU approach
4. Hate speech and incitement to violence: National Approaches (Ireland, the US)
5. The regulatory challenges posed by online hate speech