Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, a student, who has attended lectures, engaged with directed readings, conducted independent research and completed all assessments, will be able to meet the following Learning Outcomes (LO):
LO1: Critique law, international, constitutional, legislative and quasi-legislative, as a method for achieving social inclusion within Irish society.
LO2: Describe legislative entitlement to housing and social welfare in Ireland, broadly, and with respect to identified societal groups.
LO3: Appraise the utility, or otherwise, of Irish constitutional law and international human rights law in protecting persons rights to welfare and/or housing.
LO4: Independently research issues not discussed in lectures, utilising your legal research skills to identify relevant quality legal materials.
LO5 Interpret, evaluate and analyse both theoretical insights and practical legal implementation relating to housing and social welfare law.
LO6: Formulate reasoned opinions and communicate ideas to different target audiences e.g. politicians, government, lawyers, courts/the judiciary, international human rights bodies and the wider public.
Indicative Module Content:
The topics that will be covered in LAW37560 Social Inclusion Law in 2024/2025 are:*
1. Law and Social Inclusion: Conceptual Challenges
2. Is there such a thing as a 'right to housing'
3. Social Housing in Irish Law: Local Authority (Council) Housing & Housing Assistance Payment (recorded lecture).
4. Mincerí/ Irish Travellers, Housing and Irish Law
5. Law and Homelessness
6. An Introduction to Irish Welfare Law and Administrative Justice in the Welfare State
7. Citizenship, Residence and Access to Social Assistance in Ireland
8. Work & Families
9. Disability, Carers and the Irish Welfare State
10. International Protection Applicants and Entitlement to Shelter
11. The Irish Constitution and Social Inclusion
*subject to change, consult the module outline on Brightspace for final confirmation of module topics for 24/25.