Week 2: Genre, Style, and the theme of Liberty; Ch. 1-3 (Preface)
Syme, R. 1957. ‘How Tacitus Came to History’, Greece & Rome, 4: 160-167
Bews, J. P. 1987. ‘Language and Style in Tacitus’ “Agricola”’, Greece & Rome, 34: 201-211
Percival, J. 1980. ‘Tacitus and the Principate’, Greece & Rome, 27: 119-133
Liebeschuetz, W. 1966. ‘The Theme of Liberty in the Agricola of Tacitus’, The Classical Quarterly, 16: 126-139
Sailor, D. 2004. ‘Becoming Tacitus: Significance and Inconsequentiality in the Prologue of Agricola.’ Classical Antiquity, 23: 139-177
Week 3: Ethnography of Britain; Ch. 10-12
Burn, A. R. 1949. ‘Mare Pigrum et Grave’, The Classical Review, 63: 94
Clarke, K. 2001. ‘An Island Nation: Re-Reading Tacitus’ “Agricola”’, The Journal of Roman Studies, 91: 94-112
Lavan, M. 2011. ‘Slavishness in Britain and Rome in Tacitus’ Agricola.’ Classical Quarterly, 61: 294-305
Week 4: Agricola’s invasion of Ireland? Ch. 24,( AD 82)
Haverfield, F. 1899. ‘Did Agricola Invade Ireland?’ The Classical Review, 13: 302-303
Gudeman, A. and Haverfield, F. 1900. ‘Agricola's Invasion of Ireland Once More’, The Classical Review, 14: 51-53 and 96
Reed, N. 1971. ‘The Fifth Year of Agricola's Campaigns’, Britannia, 2: 143-148
Mann, J. C. 1985. ‘Two “Topoi” in the “Agricola”’, Britannia, 16: 21-24
Week 5: Mons Graupius (AD 84) and Roman Imperialism; Ch. 29-38
Ash, R. 2007. ‘Tacitus and the battle of Mons Graupius’, in: J. Marincola, ed., A companion to Greek and Roman historiography, London: Blackwell, 434-440
Laruccia, S. D. 1980. ‘The Wasteland of Peace: a Tacitean Evaluation of Pax Romana’, in: Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History II, ed. Carl Deroux, pp. 407-11
St Joseph, J. K. 1978. ‘The Camp at Durno, Aberdeenshire, and the Site of Mons Graupius’, Britannia, 9: 271-287
Gilliver, Catherine M. 1996. ‘Mons Graupius and the Role of Auxiliaries in Battle’, Greece & Rome, 43: 54-67
Rainbird, J. S.1969. ‘Tactics at Mons Graupius’, The Classical Review, 19: 11-12
Week 7: Tacitus, Agricola, and Domitian; Ch. 39-42 (The Recall and Last Years of Agricola)
Dorey, T. A. 1960. ‘Agricola and Domitian’, Greece & Rome, 7: 66-71
Tanner, R. G. 1969. ‘Tacitus and the Principate’, Greece & Rome, 16: 95-99
Fritz, Kurt von. 1957. ‘Tacitus, Agricola, Domitian, and the Problem of the Principate’, Classical Philology, 52: 73-97
Benario, H. W. 1964. ‘Tacitus and the Principate.’ The Classical Journal, 60: 97-106
Week 11: Comparing the Epilogue and Prologue