Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module students should be able to: convey information and express views in Italian (related to the topics listed in the Module Descriptor), in both written and spoken form, with accuracy and fluency; participate actively in Italian conversations, discussions and debates (on the topics listed in the Module Descriptor) carried out at normal speed; translate effectively, speedily and summarise short passages from Italian into English, in a wide range of registers and styles; summarise short passages from English into Italian; analyse textual styles and strategies; adopt, internalise and review effective autonomous strategies for the learning of foreign languages.
Indicative Module Content:
Course topics are likely to include core grammar content such as: revision of the passato remoto; the uses of the subjunctive, the periodo ipotetico and the sequence of tenses; revision of pronouns and pronominal forms (eg combined, relative); prepositional forms; the use of comparatives and superlatives; students will also be encouraged to suggest grammatical topics on which they wish to focus