Learning Outcomes:
On succesful completion of this module, students will be able to:
- deploy the basic descriptive tools of Italian phonology, morphosyntax, and grammar/meaning, in answering specific test questions;
- demonstrate an awareness of the historical and social forces that shaped the development of Italian and of the other languages spoken in today's Italy;
- recognize the distinct communicative effects of alternative grammatical and lexical choices.
Indicative Module Content:
The section on history and language in use covers topics including:
- varieties within language, norms, standards
- diglossia, 'standard' vs. lesser-prestige varieties
- history of the languages of Italy from the fragmentation of Latin to today
- sociolinguistic overview of today's Italy
The section on systematic description includes:
- the Italian sound system
- classes of words and their form
- elements of Italian sentence structure
- grammatical forms and meaning
A final section will consider how the choices made available by the language system are used for different communicative effects.