Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, students should demonstrate an ability to:
1 communicate in routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar matters to do with work and free time, and sustain a short conversation in Italian about predictable matters, centred on themselves and incorporating short accounts of past or future actions;
2 understand simple texts, deducing the meaning of unknown terms, and write simple descriptions or accounts of matters of personal significance involving some variety in the use of tenses;
3 appropriately use the structures covered in ITAL10020, plus the choice of tenses including the future, the compound perfect (passato prossimo), and the imperfect, as well as clitic pronouns (direct and indirect objects) and the particles ne and ci;
4 construct coherent short texts of simple interlinked sentences using the present tense and an appropriate choice of imperfect or passato prossimo, and future or isolated conditional forms when appropriate.
Indicative Module Content:
Grammatical dimension:
Weeks 1-4: review of the basic elements (noun and adjectives, articles, prepositions including combined with articles, possessives; present of verbs); imperfect and compound perfect (passato prossimo), future of regular verbs, including reflexive verbs, and of the most common irregular ones.
Weeks 5-9: basic instances of conditional present, limited to formulaic expressions; use of clitic (non-stressed) pronouns,;
Weeks 10-12: comparative, particles, and pluperfect (trapassato prossimo);
Communicative dimension:
Introducing oneself and interact with a partner in a conversation using common expressions and descriptive vocabulary (about appearance and personality); relate events about daily routines, past experiences, likes and dislikes, and formulate simple plans.
Gist comprehension of short texts with simple vocabulary and content appropriate to this level, displaying some variety in grammatical forms of verbs. Audiovisual practice and class practice complement these receptive skills.