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Academic Year 2023/2024

Digital Media Literacy (IS41550)

Information Studies
Social Sciences & Law
Information & Comms Studies
4 (Masters)
Module Coordinator:
Professor Crystal Fulton
Mode of Delivery:
Internship Module:
How will I be graded?
Letter grades

Curricular information is subject to change.

New and emerging technologies, along with an ever developing media industry, have transformed the ways in which citizens engage with media. The permeation of media into varying aspects of our lives has now exposed us to a number of vulnerabilities, among which include fraud, misinformation, disinformation along with incubating and enabling conspiracy theories. Media literacy is a crucial intervention and skill that not only seeks to challenge these issues, but is also crucial in enabling citizens to understand and critically evaluate the communication and media surrounding them.

This module aims to train media literate citizens, through the development of a combined set of competencies relating to knowledge and skills that are necessary for life and work in today’s world in a variety of contexts including libraries and the broader media industry. In studying digital media literacy, students will develop their digital and media literacy skills, improving their capacity to identify misinformation and challenge views. This module educates individuals to make informed decisions about the information they encounter in the digital environment, including misinformation, foreign election interferences, profiling, and targeted content. Crucially, the module will empower students to devise a consciousness-raising campaign and training event around a media literacy issue of their choice, empowering them to become leaders on the subject in their chosen field.

About this Module

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module students should be able to:

1) Define and describe media literacy concepts.
2) Discern factual information from incorrect and malicious information that is published in digital media.
3) Identify and analyse media literacy issues and impact relevant to different people and communities.
4) Design, develop, and present effective digital media literacy awareness and training events and initiatives for the workplace environment.

Indicative Module Content:

Media Literacy Skills
Theory and practice around Media Literacy
Finding, evaluating, and using factual information
Ethics of information

Student Effort Hours:
Student Effort Type Hours
Specified Learning Activities


Autonomous Student Learning






Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
Active learning
Active participation
Online learning
Student presentations

Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations

Not applicable to this module.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
Not applicable to this module.

Assessment Strategy
Description Timing Open Book Exam Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered
Essay: Case study essay Unspecified n/a Graded No
Project: Awareness campaign and training event around a media literacy issue Unspecified n/a Graded No

Carry forward of passed components

Resit In Terminal Exam
Summer No
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 

Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, on an activity or draft prior to summative assessment
• Feedback individually to students, post-assessment
• Group/class feedback, post-assessment
• Peer review activities
• Self-assessment activities

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Essay feedback is provided individually to students. A feedback rubric is provided through Brightspace. Project feedback is provided to groups of students. A feedback rubric is provided through Brightspace.

Name Role
Dr Elizabeth Farries Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Mr Conor Keogh Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Páraic Kerrigan Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Claire McGuinness Lecturer / Co-Lecturer