Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the module, students should be able to:
1 Explain the historical development of folklore collecting and folkloristics in Ireland.
2. Assess the importance of individual collectors and writers in the field and review their contribution to the subject in the context of their own time-period.
3. Analyse and evaluate some of the principal sources for the study of Irish oral tradition and ethnology.
4. Indicate a familiarity with contemporary scholarship in the subject, and with significant trends in current research.
5. Place the history and development of Irish folklore studies in their European context.
6. Recognise and assess the contribution of key players to the development of folklore as an academic discipline at home and abroad.
7. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the nature of oral tradition and folklore, and of the principal theoretical approaches to the subject.
8. Show an awareness of the connection between the development of folklore studies on the one hand, and events in the wider political and cultural spheres on the other.
9. Evaluate the place of folklore studies in the area of cultural studies as a whole.