Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, students will have acquired
1. A deeper understanding of “gender” and contemporary gendered issues in international relation debates with the focus on peace and conflict (LO1);
2. The ability to critically discuss theories of peace and conflict from a feminist perspective including the development of their own informed arguments (LO2)
3. The capacity to critically examine traditional gendered images and roles in peace and conflict and their impact on theory and policy (LO3)
4. The ability to demonstrate team-based communication skills, such as negotiation, interpersonal skills, to develop collective projects and to demonstrate creativity individually and through group processes. (LO4)
5. The capacity to work co-operately and, independently, self-directed, managing time and tasks. (LO5)
6. The ability to present original and persuasive written work with analytic arguments based on evidence, reading and reason. (LO6)
Indicative Module Content:
Gender in International Politics
Gendering War and Peace
The Gendered Politics of War and Peace: Constructions of “the Feminine”
The Gendered Politics of War and Peace: Constructions of “the Masculine”
Gender and Inclusivity in Peace Processes
War: Militarization and the Politics of Violence
The Aftermath: Transformative Peace or continuity of the Politics of Violence?
Masculinities and War Rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Feminist Perspectives on Transitional Justice
Securing insecurity? Gender and Peacekeeping
Transforming Institutions? Gendered approaches to Peace and Security in the European Union