Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module participants will:
* Have applied their prior learning to develop and implement a project in a professional environment
* Understand the barriers and obstacles involved in developing and implementing innovative practices and solutions in a real-world context
* Demonstrate the use of problem-solving tools and techniques
* Understand the process for initiating and using creative techniques within project structures
* Apply reflective practices to both the process and outcome of the applied project and reflect on failures, improvements, and opportunities
* Develop expanded personal networks, in conjunction with the invaluable professional experience of working on a focused independent project
Indicative Module Content:
Participants will identify an action-learning project based on the needs or opportunities within their organisation or community or context.
Participants will guided by an Innovation Academy facilitator.
At the end of the project phase, participants will share their project and lessons learnt with their class and an audience of their peers.