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Academic Year 2024/2025

Design a Digital Future (IA20150)

Innovation Academy
VP - Research, Innov & Impact
Innovation Academy
2 (Intermediate)
Module Coordinator:
Ms Jiaqi Zhang
Autumn and Spring (separate)
Mode of Delivery:
On Campus
Internship Module:
How will I be graded?
Pass/Fail (GPA Neutral)

Curricular information is subject to change.

Are you excited about discovering how emerging technologies can benefit your studies and future careers? According to the latest World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report, most technologies are expected to have a positive impact on jobs and skills, nearly a quarter of all jobs (23%) globally will change in the next five years.

Regardless of your field of study, it is important to develop a digital mindset that empowers you to navigate the fast-paced and ever-changing modern workforce. A digital mindset is a way of thinking and acting that enables you to use new technological skills to open up opportunities for self-growth and success in a rapidly changing digital economy.

In this module, you will explore cutting-edge technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, NFT and metaverse. Through hands-on experiences, real-life examples, group activities, and individual reflections, you will gain a beginning level of practical experience with these emerging technologies.

This module is designed for students coming from all academic backgrounds, especially for those who are from non-tech fields but wish to develop digital fluency. To gain an actual understanding of all the buzzwords you have heard about, you will also cultivate essential skills like communication, problem-solving, adaptability and technical proficiency, preparing for the rise of new career paths driven by digitalization and automation.

This module focuses on real-world relevance, and you will evaluate the implications of emerging technologies for self-resilience and career sustainability. You will be familiarized with the new job opportunities enabled by technologies such as prompt engineer, AI ethicists/ethics experts, metaverse architect, Web3 marketer, metahuman doctor, smart contract lawyer.

By enrolling in the Design a Digital Future module, you'll develop a digital mindset that enables you to navigate an uncertain future with confidence and cultivate essential skills that will benefit you in your future studies and career.

For more details, please go to: https://www.innovationacademy.ie/courses/ucd-undergraduate-module/


Enrollment in an Innovation Academy module means a commitment to active participation and engagement, which necessitates attendance at all scheduled classes.

We limit our class size to 20 students or less. We require a minimum of 16 participants to ensure enough people for teamwork and a dynamic classroom environment. On very rare occasions, if fewer than 16 registered students register, we will offer students the opportunity to join another class.

UCD Innovation Academy :

About Us

At the UCD Innovation Academy, we are a group of Educator Practitioners with extensive real-world experience as academics, business and social entrepreneurs, tech thinkers, creative professionals and design thinking practitioners.
We take an action-oriented approach to learning, with a combination of individual, group and class tasks and activities, including discussions, presentations and reflection. All of our teaching is grounded in academic rigour, and our focus is on learning from doing in a real-world context.


About this Module

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

- Develop a Digital Mindset: Cultivate a mindset that embraces and adapts to emerging technologies, enabling you to leverage these technologies for personal and professional growth in a rapidly evolving digital economy.

- Gain Practical Experience with Emerging Technologies: Acquire hands-on experience with key technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, NFTs, and the metaverse, and understand their real-world applications.

- Evaluate Technological Impacts: Analyze and assess the implications of emerging technologies on career sustainability, job roles, and industry trends, and understand how these technologies can create new job opportunities.

- Enhance Essential Skills: Improve core competencies such as communication, problem-solving, adaptability, and technical proficiency, which are critical for navigating new career paths driven by digital transformation.

Indicative Module Content:

- Introduction to Emerging Technologies: Introduction to AR, VR, AI, blockchain, metaverse and their applications in various industries.

- Hands-on Experience: Practical experience with emerging technologies, exploring AR, VR, AI, and metaverse apps and platforms.

- Essential Skills Development: Cultivation of essential skills such as communication, problem-solving, adaptability, and technical proficiency through group discussions and hands-on projects.

- Developing a Digital Mindset: Understanding the importance of developing a digital mindset and how it can benefit your current studies and future careers through group projects and self-reflection.

- Real-world Impact: Discussion and evaluation of the implications of emerging technologies in various aspects of society as well as for self-resilience and career sustainability.

Student Effort Hours:
Student Effort Type Hours


Small Group


Conversation Class






Specified Learning Activities


Autonomous Student Learning




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
All Innovation Academy modules take a 'learning by doing' approach, combining individual, and group activities and tasks including presentations, discussion and reflection.
- Active/task-based learning
- Peer and Group work
- Reflective Learning
- Enquiry & Problem-based learning
- Student Presentations
- Case Study Learning

Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations

Not applicable to this module.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
Not applicable to this module.

Assessment Strategy
Description Timing Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered
Assignment(Including Essay): Participation including but not limited to: in-class presentation, online assignment, etc.

Note: "Schedule Details" will adjust based on the length and timing of the module.
Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10 Pass/Fail Grade Scale Yes
Participation in Learning Activities: This module requires active participation and engagement, which necessitates attendance at ALL scheduled classes.

Note: "Schedule Details" will adjust based on the length and timing of the module.
Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10 Pass/Fail Grade Scale Yes
Reflective Assignment: Reflection Report at end of Module.

Note: "Schedule Details" will adjust based on the length and timing of the module.
Week 15 Pass/Fail Grade Scale Yes

Carry forward of passed components

Remediation Type Remediation Timing
Repeat Within Two Trimesters
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 

Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Group/class feedback, post-assessment
• Peer review activities

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Individual feedback can be given to students upon request. This may include feedback on their participation during the module and/or their deliverables.

Timetabling information is displayed only for guidance purposes, relates to the current Academic Year only and is subject to change.
Autumn Workshop Offering 1 Week(s) - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Thurs 14:00 - 16:50
Autumn Workshop Offering 2 Week(s) - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Fri 14:00 - 16:50
Spring Workshop Offering 1 Week(s) - 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 Thurs 14:00 - 16:50