Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be able to;
1 Describe the principles and methods of production for the major protected food crops; the supply and retailing of fresh and value protected produce.
2 Critically review and evaluate data from scientific, technical, industry and marketing sources on the key influences; primary crop requirements, food safety, quality assurance, environmental impact, sustainability, market demands/consumer trends, demographic changes and globalisation impacting the production and supply of protected produce.
3 Describe the principles of sustainable production of protected crops.
Indicative Module Content:
This module explores the scientific and technological basis of protected food crop production. Factors involved in the production of the principle protected food crops are studied (Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Lettuce and Culinary Herbs). Emphasis is given to the sustainable production of quality produce. National and international production, distribution, retailing and consumption patterns are reviewed for selected crops. Industry Codes of Practice and Quality Assurance & Food Safety programmes (including national and international quality standards, such as GLOBALGAP, certification and accreditation systems to ISO17065) will be examined.