Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be able to;
1 Describe the nature, structure and principles of production; supply and retailing of fresh and value added potato and vegetable products.
2 Critically review and evaluate data from scientific, technical, industry and marketing sources on the key influences; primary crop requirements, food safety, quality assurance, environmental impact, sustainability, market demands/consumer trends, demographic changes and globalisation impacting the production and supply of potato and vegetable produce.
3 Describe the principles of sustainable production of potato and major field vegetable crops.
4 Create cropping plans and evaluate quality attributes for commercial potato and field vegetable crops.
5 Discuss and evaluate the requirements for a successful business within this sector.
6 Assess the application and use of precision mechanisation within this sector.
Indicative Module Content:
This module will focus on the sustainable planning of commercial potato and field scale vegetable crop production. An overview of the potato and vegetable industries will be given. The module will emphasise soil requirements, cultural techniques, growing programmes, harvesting methodologies and quality assurance systems for selected tuber (in particular potato production), root, bulb and brassica crops. Industry Codes of Practice and Quality programmes (including national and international quality standards, such as GLOBALGAP, certification and accreditation systems to ISO 17065) will be examined and reviewed. The influence of global fresh produce supply systems, retailing strategies and food safety/quality systems will be discussed. Developments in related value-added products will be explored.