Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be able to:
• Identify different markets for nursery stock
• Identify the requirements for establishing a commercial container and field nursery
• Evaluate commercially used propagation methods including cuttings, seed, grafting, budding and tissue culture
• Explain the differences between different propagation environments
• Make recommendations concerning plant rooting products, direct sticking, liner and container plant production systems.
• Evaluate mechanization in the nursery industry
• Evaluate different irrigation systems and assess their environmental impact
• Discuss substrates, and peat substitution products
• Assess weed control strategies
• Identify important Retail Horticulture/Garden Centre issues such as image, customer service, product display, pricing, and merchandising.
Students will have the experience of researching different plant propagation methods and making a written submission on their findings.
Indicative Module Content:
Establishing a commercial container and field nursery, nursery stock markets, nursery shelter
Propagation methods-soft wood, semi hardwood, hardwood, herbaceous cuttings, grafting, budding, layering, air layering, etiolation, seed and plant tissue culture.
Propagation environments- mist and fog, warm bench and plastic, weaning and autotrophic establishment of propagules.
Plant hormones and their use, direct sticking, tree specifications.
Field and container nursery mechanization - tree lifting and pruning, potting and seeding machines, plant distribution systems
Commercial irrigation systems and their role on plant growth and health
Nursery stock substrates and nutritional strategies
Principal Nursery stock diseases, pest and weed problems and control strategies
Introduced to the key elements of retail horticulture - image, customer service, product display, pricing, and merchandising.