Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of this Module, successful students can:
Module learning outcomes
1 - Discuss critically the changes in nutritional requirements in various disease states.
2 - Discuss critically the evidence linking foods, nutrients and dietary patterns to the aetiology of major diet-related diseases.
3 - Discuss the role of diet in management and prevention of various diseases.
4 - Discuss various methods of nutritional assessment in the context of different disease states.
5 - Understand and compile therapeutic diets for various diseases states.
Global Learning Outcomes
• Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
• Self-management
• Critical thinking
• Digital literacy
• Communication
• Teamwork
Indicative Module Content:
Principles of clinical nutrition - Definition and understanding of nutritional problems, Nutritional problems in a clinical environment, Management pathways, Basic nutrition requirements.
Nutritional assessment - Anthropometry, Body composition – DEXA, BodPod, Impedance, TBW, Biochemistry, Immunology, Functional tests, Clinical assessment tools, Nutritional assessment tools in clinical decision
Nutritional support - Estimation of nutrient requirements for provision of nutritional support, Oral feeding and oral nutritional supplements – evidence based practice. Enteral nutrition - types and uses, practices,
procedures, complications. Parenteral nutrition –practices, procedures and complications.
Nutritional management of disease - Metabolic response to stress, Alterations in nutritional requirements in metabolic stress, Role of nutrition in specific disease states incl GI, resp, cancer, neurology
Overnutrition - Clinical presentation, assessment, Prevention and Related morbiditied, Treatment/management approaches, Weight loss strategies
Undernutrition: disease related malnutrition – older persons
Case Study - Dietary Management of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Case Study - Allergies
Case Study - Paediatrics
Case Study - GI - Coeliac Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Case Study - CVD