Learning Outcomes:
The main learning objectives of the module are:
1. To develop understanding of the theoretical concepts underlying project design and statistical analysis.
2. To analyse, reflect and perform relevant statistical tests needed to obtain information from a data set using various statistical tools.
3. To reflect and critically analyse the results and significance of the statistical analysis performed.
4. To develop the ability to discern what statistical tools are needed based on the questions posed.
5. To understand the main limitations/advantages of different statistical tools used in scientific research in the field of food, nutrition and health.
6. To be able to generate high quality and well formatted data representations from different statistical analysis.
Indicative Module Content:
The indicative content of the module includes, but it is not limited to theoretical/practical sessions on:
• Research methods
• Methods for describing data sets
• Random variables
• Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals
• Linear and multiple regression
• Categorical data analysis
• Non-parametric stats
• Experimental design