Learning Outcomes:
• understand key debates and concepts related to landscape and environment in Ireland;
• analyse primary sources relevant to the module;
• present arguments, based on primary and secondary source research, in oral and written form;
• Enhance critical reading, writing, thinking, and verbal skills
Generative AI may not be used for assessments in this module. If you have any concerns about what is included in the remit of generative AI, please consult with your Module Coordinator.
Indicative Module Content:
Week 1 Peoples and Landscapes in early modern Ireland
Week 2 Migration in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Ireland
Week 3 Ireland in the Atlantic World
Week 4 Migration, ethnicity and conflict in 1641
Week 5 Changing Irish landscapes 1500-1800
Week 6 Urban landscapes: early modern Dublin
Week 7 Provincial urban landscapes
Week 8 Landscapes of the Ascendancy
Week 9 The Penal Laws and Landscape / Environment
Week 10 Environmental change in early modern Ireland
Week 11 Class Presentations