Learning Outcomes:
This module will address such topics as:
- The Anthropocene in historical perspective
- An environmental history of world-systems and capitalism
- Divergence(s), ecological imperialism and collapse(s)
- “Natural resources”: a history of appropriation and commodification
- Pollutions, risks and regulations
- Energy transition(s): the history of energy in debate
- Wars in nature and on nature, the climate of rebellions and revolutions: an environmental history
of conflicts
- Chaos in the heavens and the happy apocalypse: a history of climate and environmental
- Conservation, preservation and wilderness: state environmentalism, (neo)colonial
environmentalism, grassroots environmentalism
- Environmental inequalities and environmental justice movements
Indicative Module Content:
At the end of this module students should:
- Have developed a working knowledge of the key themes, approaches and debates in
environmental history.
- Be able to read, summarize, contextualize, analyze critically, present and discus sources and
especially archives relevant to environmental history with adequate methodologies.
- Contribute in a meaningful way to class discussions by demonstrating critical engagement with
the weekly mandatory readings.
- Have acquired a specialized knowledge of a particular topic in environmental history.
- Write scholarly essays to the standard of a Level 3 student of history.