Feedback Strategy/Strategies
• Feedback individually to students, on an activity or draft prior to summative assessment
How will my Feedback be Delivered?
Feedback is provided individually to students on chapter drafts or on one draft of the entire thesis. Feedback is provided in written form and verbally in one-to-one supervisions. In semester 1, the student will commence work with their assigned supervisor. During pre-arranged one-on-one meetings, the student will discuss specific areas of focus for their research with the supervisor. These will include the drafting of the required assignments for the Research Skills module, which includes a Research proposal, preparation of a literature review, and identification of relevant primary sources. The supervisor will provide individual feedback to students suggesting further avenues of investigation, and the research topic will be refined between the student and supervisor. During supervisory meetings students will be provided with individual feedback on contextual literature and primary sources. During semester 2 students will be given individual feedback on written work provided it is submitted in due time. Students should receive six supervisions in total, the first three linked to the research skills seminar