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Academic Year 2023/2024

Ireland's English Centuries (HIS10310)

Arts & Humanities
1 (Introductory)
Module Coordinator:
Professor Ivar McGrath
Mode of Delivery:
On Campus
Internship Module:
How will I be graded?
Letter grades

Curricular information is subject to change.

In 1460 Ireland was a patchwork of lordships including an English Pale, by 1800 the country was poised to enter a United Kingdom with England and Scotland. In 1460, all Irish people shared the common religion of Western Europe, by 1800 three groups – Catholics, Protestants and Dissenters dominated. In 1460, only a tiny number did not speak Irish, by 1800 English was spoken by well over half the population. During these 340 years Ireland experienced massive transfers of land-holding, invasions, bitter civil war and a huge expansion of population. This module explains the complex blend of identities, allegiances and social changes that shaped the past and continue to shape the Irish present.

About this Module

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module students should have:
1. Further developed their understanding of essential skills for history students;
2. Advanced their appreciation of how history is studied at university level;
3. Acquired a critical approach to evidence and an ability to study and learn more effectively;
4. Developed their powers of expression, both orally and in writing;
5. Developed their ability to appreciate and analyse a central theme in Irish history in the period 1460-1800;
6. Accumulated learning in Irish history, 1460-1800;
7. Developed their understanding of the complex interplay of forces political, religious, social and economic at work in early modern Ireland.

Indicative Module Content:

The module will cover the following main areas: Week 1: Ancient colonies, Irish enemies: towards a new kingdom: 1460-1540. Week 2: A King, no Pope and landed soldiers: 1540-1560. Week 3: A Queen, Viceroys, lords, swords: 1560-1603. Week 4: Scots, Irish, English in one kingdom: 1603-1625. Week 5: Reading Week. Week 6: Ruling Ireland’s Catholics and Protestants: 1625-1641. Week 7: Rebellion, Revolution and Restoration: 1641-1661. Week 8: Restoration, Counter-Revolution and War: 1662-1691. Week 9: Making a Protestant Kingdom: 1692-1734. Week 10: Penal Era or Golden Age? 1735-81 / Patriots, Republicans and Unionists: 1782-1800. Week 11: Independent Student Revision.

Student Effort Hours:
Student Effort Type Hours


Seminar (or Webinar)


Specified Learning Activities


Autonomous Student Learning




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
This module combines large-group and small-group teaching, through a weekly lecture and seminar. Weekly lectures provide overviews of weekly topics, with focus upon key historical trends, debates and events. Weekly seminars focus on small-group active / task-based learning using both secondary and primary sources related to the weekly topic covered in the lecture. Autonomous learning is nurtured through required preparatory reading each week, and a formative and summative written assignment. Key research, writing and citation skills are explicitly incorporated into seminar work and are assessed and advanced from the formative to the summative assignments.

Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations

Not applicable to this module.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
Not applicable to this module.

Assessment Strategy
Description Timing Open Book Exam Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered
Assignment: Mid-term essay planning exercise Unspecified n/a Graded No
Continuous Assessment: Students are required to have read the required readings in advance and to participate in the seminar discussion meeting every week Throughout the Trimester n/a Graded No
Essay: An Essay of 1,500 words, to be submitted at the end of Week 12 Coursework (End of Trimester) n/a Graded No

Carry forward of passed components

Resit In Terminal Exam
Spring No
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 

Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, post-assessment

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Feedback on the mid-term Essay Plan Assignment and the end-of-semester Essay Assignment is given in writing via Brightspace. Students may also make an appointment with their tutor for further feedback if practicable.

General reading:

Nicholas Canny, From Reformation to Restoration: Ireland 1534-1660 (Dublin, 1987)
S. J. Connolly, Contested Island: Ireland 1460-1630 (Oxford, 2007)
S. J. Connolly, Divided Kingdom: Ireland 1630-1800 (Oxford, 2008)
David Dickson, New Foundations: Ireland 1600-1800 (2nd ed., Dublin, 2000)
Steven Ellis, Ireland in the age of the Tudors 1447-1603 (Harlow, 1998)
Raymond Gillespie, Seventeenth-century Ireland: making Ireland modern (Dublin, 2006)
James Kelly (ed.), The Cambridge History of Ireland, III: 1730-1880 (Cambridge, 2018)
Colm Lennon, Sixteenth-Century Ireland: the incomplete conquest (Dublin, 1994)
Ian McBride, Ian, Eighteenth-century Ireland: the isle of slaves (Dublin, 2009)
T. W. Moody, T. W., F. X. Martin, and F. J. Byrne (eds.), A New History of Ireland, III: Early Modern Ireland, 1534-1691 (Oxford, 1976)
T. W. Moody & W. E. Vaughan, A New History of Ireland, IV: Eighteenth-Century Ireland 1691-1800 (Oxford, 1986)
Jane Ohlmeyer (ed.), The Cambridge History of Ireland, II: 1550-1730 (Cambridge, 2018)

Recommended Further Reading:

Week 1: 1460-1540
Bradshaw, B., 'The opposition to the ecclesiastical legislation in the Irish reformation parliament', Irish Historical Studies, xvi (1969), 285 - 303.
Cosgrove, A., ‘The execution of the earl of Desmond, 1468’ in Journal of the Kerry Archaelogical and Historical Society viii (1975)
Cosgrove, A. Late Medieval Ireland, 1370-1541 (Dublin, 1981)
Cosgrove, A. ‘Parliament and the Anglo-Irish colony: the declaration of 1460’ in Art Cosgrove & James McGuire (eds), Parliament and Community (Belfast, 1983), 25-41
Cosgrove, A., ‘The medieval period’ in Reamonn Ó Muiri (ed), Irish Church History Today (Armagh, 1991).
Cosgrove, A. (ed), A New History of Ireland, II: Medieval Ireland, 1169-1534 (Oxford, 1993)
Ellis, S., 'The Kildare rebellion and the early Henrician reformation' in Historical Journal xix (1976), 807 - 30.
Ellis, S., ‘Tudor policy and the Kildare ascendancy in the Lordship of Ireland, 1496- 1534’ in Irish Historical Studies xx (1976-7)
Ellis, S., ‘Thomas Cromwell & Ireland, 1532-1540’ in Historical Journal xxiii (1980)
Ellis, S., 'Crown, community and government in English territories, 1450 - 1575', History, lxxi (1986), 187-204
Hayden, M.C., ‘Lambert Simnel in Ireland’, Studies iv (1915)
Lyons, M. A., Gearóid Óg Fitzgerald, Ninth Earl of Kildare (Dublin, 1998)
Lydon, J., ‘”Ireland corporate of itself”: the parliament of 1460’, History Ireland iii (2), 9-12
Lydon, J., ‘Ireland and the English Crown, 1191-1541’ Irish Historical Studies xxix (1994-5), 281-94.
Maginn, C., “Civilizing” Gaelic Leinster: the extension of Tudor rule in the O’Byrne and O’Toole Lordships (Dublin, 2005), 18-19.
MacCurtain, M., Tudor and Stuart Ireland (1972).
Nicholls, K. W., Gaelic and Gaelicised Ireland in the Middle Ages (2nd ed, Dublin, 2003)
O’Dowd, M., ‘Gaelic economy and society’ in Ciaran Brady & Raymond Gillespie (eds), Natives and Newcomers (Dublin, 1986), 120-47.
Simms, K., From Kings to warlords (Woodbridge, 1987)

Week 2: 1540-1560
Bottigheimer, K., 'Kingdom and colony: Ireland in the westward enterprise, 1536- 1660', K. R. Andrews, N. P. Canny & P. E. H. Hair (eds), The westward enterprise: English activities in Ireland, the Atlantic and America, (Liverpool, 1978), 45-65.
Bottigheimer, K., 'The failure of the Reformation in Ireland: Une question bien posée', Journal Ecclesiastical History xxxvi (1985), 196-207.
Bradshaw, B., ‘The Edwardian reformation in Ireland’ in Archivium Hibernicum xxxiv (1976-77).
Bradshaw, B., ‘Sword, word and strategy in the reformation in Ireland’, Historical Journal xxi (1978)
Brady, C., ‘Court, castle and country: the framework of government in Tudor Ireland in Ciaran Brady & Raymond Gillespie (eds.) Natives and Newcomers. (1986), 22-49.
Canny, N., 'Why the Reformation failed in Ireland: Une question mal posée', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, xxx (1979), 423-50
Carey, Vincent P., ‘”Neither good English nor good Irish”: bilingualism and identity formation in sixteenth-century Ireland’ in Hiram Morgan (ed.), Political ideology in Ireland, 1541-1641 (Dublin, 1999), pp. 45-61
Clarke, A., 'Varieties of uniformity - the first century of the Church of Ireland', Studies in Church History, xxv (1989) 105-22
Ellis, S., ‘Parliament and community in Yorkist and Tudor Ireland’ in Art Cosgrove & James McGuire (eds), Parliament and Community (Belfast, 1983)
Ellis, S., ‘The collapse of the Gaelic World, 1450-1640’, Irish Historical Studies xxxi (1999), 449-69.
Ford, A., 'The Protestant Reformation in Ireland', in Ciaran Brady & Raymond Gillespie (eds.) Natives and Newcomers. (Dublin, 1986), 50-74.
Gillespie, R., The Transformation of the Irish Economy, 1550-1700 (1991)
Jefferies, H.A., 'The Irish Parliament of 1560: The anglican reforms authorised', Irish Historical Studies, xxvi (1988)
Jefferies, H. A., Priests and Prelates of Armagh in the Age of the Reformations, 1518-1558 (Dublin, 1997)
Jefferies, H. A., The Irish church and the Tudor reformations (Dublin, 2010)
Simms, K., From kings to warlords: the changing political structure of Gaelic Ireland in the later middle ages (Woodbridge, 1987)
Simms, K., 'Frontiers in the Irish church - regional and cultural' in T. Barry, R. Frame & K. Simms (eds.), Colony and Frontier in medieval Ireland (1995), 177 - 200.

Week 3: 1560-1603
Bartlett, T & Jeffery K. (eds), A military history of Ireland (Cambridge, 1996)
Brady, C. ‘Conservative subversives: the community of the Pale and the Dublin administration, 1556-1586’ in P. J. Corish (ed.), Radicals, rebels and establishments: Historical Studies XV (Belfast 1985), pp. 11-32.
Brady, C., ‘Thomas Butler, Earl of Ormond, 1531-1614: reform in Tudor Ireland’ in C. Brady (ed), Worsted in the game: losers in Irish history (Dublin, 1989), 49-59.
Brady, C., The chief governors: the rise and fall of reform government in Ireland 1536-1588 (Cambridge, 1994)
Canny, ‘Identity formation in Ireland: the emergence of an Anglo-Irish identity’ in The Yearbook of English Studies xiii (1983)
Canny, N., Kingdom and Colony: Ireland in the Atlantic World, 1560-1800 (Baltimore, 1988)
Canny, N., Making Ireland British, 1580-1650 (Oxford, 2001).
Carey, V., ‘John Derricke’s Image of Irelande, Sir Henry Sidney, and the massacre at Mullaghmast, 1578’, Irish Historical Studies 31 (1999), 305-27.
Cunningham, B., ‘The composition of Connacht in the Lordships of Clanricard and Thomond, 1577-1641’, Irish Historical Studies xxiv (1984-5)
Ellis, S., Economic problems of the church: Why the Reformation failed in Ireland', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, xli (1990), 239-65
Edwards, D., ‘The Butler revolt’, Irish Historical Studies xxxviii (1993), 228-55.
Ford, A., 'The Protestant Reformation in Ireland', in Ciaran Brady & Raymond Gillespie (eds.) Natives and Newcomers. (1986), 50-74.
Ford, Alan, The Protestant reformation in Ireland (2nd ed, 1997)
Lennon, C., 'Richard Stanihurst (1547-1618) and Old English identity' in Irish Historical Studies, xxi, no.82 (Sept. 1978), 121-43.
Lennon, C., 'The counter-reformation in Ireland', C. Brady & R. Gillespie (eds), Natives and newcomers, (Dublin 1986), 75-92.
Lennon, C., ‘Recusancy and the Dublin Stanihursts’ in Archivium Hibernicum xxxiii (1975)
Mac Craith, Mícheál, 'The Gaelic reaction to the Reformation' in S. G. Ellis & Sarah Barber (eds.), Conquest and union (1995), 139-161
MacCarthy-Morrogh, M., The Munster Plantation: English migration to southern Ireland 1583-1641 (Oxford, 1986)
Morgan, H., ‘Hugh O’Neill and the Nine Years war in Tudor Ireland’, Historical Journal xxxvi (1993), 1-17.
Morgan, H., Tyrone’s rebellion: the outbreak of the Nine Years war in Tudor Ireland (London, 1993)
Quinn, D. B., The Elizabethans and the Irish (Ithaca, NY, 1966)
Sheehan, A. J., ‘The overthrow of the plantation of Munster in October 1598’, Irish Sword xv (1982-3)
Treadwell, V., ‘Sir John Perrot and the Irish parliament of 1585-6’, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy lxxxv Sect. C. (1985), 259-308
Walshe, H. C., 'Enforcing the Elizabethan settlement: the vicissitudes of Hugh Brady, bishop of Meath, 1563-84', Irish Historical Studies, xxvi (1989), 352-6.

Week 4: 1603-1625
Caball, M., ‘The Gaelic mind and the collapse of the Gaelic world: an appraisal’, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies xxv (1993), 87-96.
Canny, N., 'The formation of the Irish mind: religion, politics and Gaelic Irish literature, 1580-1750' in Past & Present, no. 95 (1982), 91-116
Canny, N., The upstart earl: a study of the social and mental world of Richard Boyle, first earl of Cork (Cambridge 1982)
Clarke, A., 'The History of Poynings' Law, 1615 - 41', Irish Historical Studies, xviii (1972), 207-22.
Cooper, J. P., ‘Strafford and the Byrnes country’, Irish Historical Studies xv (1966), 1-20.
Cunningham, B., ‘Native culture and political change in Ireland, 1580-1640’ in C. Brady & R. Gillespie (eds), Natives and newcomers, (Dublin 1986)
Hunter, R.J., ‘Plantation in Donegal’ in W. Nolan et al. (eds) Donegal: History & Society (Dublin, 1995), 283-324
Kearney, H., 'Ecclesiastical politics and the Counter-Reformation in Ireland, 1618 - 1648', Journal Ecclesiastical History, xi (1960), 202-12.
Leerssen, J. Th., Mere Irish and Fíor-Ghael: studies in the idea of nationality and its development (2nd ed. 1996)
McCavitt, John, ‘The Flight of the Earls, 1607’, Irish Historical Studies, xxix (1994-5), 159-73.
McCavitt, John, Sir Arthur Chichester: Lord Deputy of Ireland 1605-16 (1998).
McCavitt, The flight of the earls (2002)
MacCuarta, Brian, ‘A planter’s interaction with Gaelic culture: Sir Matthew de Renzy’ in Irish Economic and Social History, 20 (1993), 1-18
Morgan, Hiram, Tyrone’s rebellion: the outbreak of the Nine Years war in Tudor Ireland (1993)
Ó Buachalla, B., ‘Na Stíobartaigh agus an t-Aos Léinn: Cing Séamas’, , Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy lxxxiii Sect. C. (1983), 81-134
Ohlmeyer, J., ‘”Civilizing of those rude parts”: colonization within Britain and Ireland, 1580s-1640s’ in Nicholas Canny (ed.), Oxford History of the British Empire, vol. i: The origins of Empire to 1689 (Oxford, 1998), 124-47
Pawlisch, H. S., Sir John Davies and the Conquest of Ireland: a study in legal imperialism (Cambridge, 1985)
Perceval-Maxwell, Michael, The Scottish migration to Ulster in the reign of James I (1973)
Sheehan, A. J., 'The recusancy revolt of 1603: a reinterpretation' in Archivium Hibernicum, xxxviii (1983), 3-13
Treadwell, V., Buckingham and Ireland 1616-28: a study in Anglo-Irish politics (Dublin, 1998)

Week 5: 1625-1641
Clarke, A., The Old English in Ireland (1966)
Clarke, A., The Graces, 1625-41 (1968).
Clarke, A., 'The government of Wentworth, 1632 - 40', New History of Ireland , III, 243-69.
Clarke, A., 'The breakdown of authority, 1640 - 41', New History of Ireland III, 270 -88
Clarke, A., 'The 1641 Rebellion and anti-popery in Ireland', Brian Mac Cuarta (ed.) Ulster 1641. (Belfast, 1993), 139-57.
Corish, Patrick, The Catholic community in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (1981)
Gillespie, R., Colonial Ulster: the settlement of East Ulster, 1600-1641 (Cork, 1985)
Gillespie, R., 'The end of an era: Ulster and the outbreak of the 1641 Rising', in Ciaran Brady & Raymond Gillespie (eds.) Natives and Newcomers. (1986), 191- 213.
Gillespie, R., ‘Destablizing Ulster, 1641-2’ in Brian MacCuarta (ed.), Ulster 1641: aspects of the Rising (Belfast, 1993)
Henry, G., ‘Ulster exiles in Europe, 1605-41’ in Brian MacCuarta (ed.), Ulster 1641: aspects of the Rising (Belfast, 1993)
Kearney, H., Strafford in Ireland, 1633-41: A Study in Absolutism (1959).
Kearney, H., 'Strafford in Ireland, 1633-40', History Today, xxxix (July 1989), 20-5.
Little, P., ‘The Earl of Cork and the Fall of the Earl of Strafford, 1638-1641’ Historical Journal xxxix (1996), 619-35.
McCafferty, J., John Bramhall and the reconstruction of the Church of Ireland, 1633-41 (Cambridge, 2007)
Perceval-Maxwell, M., 'Strafford, the Ulster Scots, and the covenanters' in Irish Historical Studies (1973), 524 - 41.
Ranger, T.O., ‘Strafford in Ireland: A Revaluation’ in Trevor Aston (ed), Crisis in Europe, 1560-1660 (New York, 1967), 271-93
Russell, C., ‘The British background to the Irish Rebellion of 1641’, Historical Research, lxi (1988).
Russell, C., The Fall of the British Monarchies, 1637-42 (Oxford, 1991)

Week 6: Rebellion, Revolution and Restoration: 1641-1661
Barnard, T. C., Cromwellian Ireland: English Government and Reform in Ireland 1649-1660 (Oxford, 1975)
Bottigheimer, K. S., English Money and Irish Land: The ‘Adventurers’ in the Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland (Oxford, 1971)
Bottigheimer, Karl, ‘English Money and Irish Land: The “Adventurers” in the Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland’, The Journal of British Studies, 7 (1967), pp 12-27
Canny, Nicholas, Making Ireland British, 1580-1650 (Oxford, 2001)
Clarke, Aidan, Prelude to Restoration in Ireland: The End of the Commonwealth, 1659-1600 (Cambridge, 1999)
Clarke, Aidan, ‘Ireland and the General Crisis’, Past and Present, 48 (1970), pp 79-99
Gentles, Ian, The English Revolution and the Wars in the Three Kingdoms 1638-1652 (Harlow, 2007)
Lenihan, Pádraig, The Confederate Catholics at War, 1642-9 (Cork, 2001)
Mac Cuarta, Brian (ed.), Ulster 1641: Aspects of the Rising (Belfast, 1993)
Ohlmeyer, Jane (ed.), Ireland: From Independence to Occupation 1641-1660 (Cambridge, 1995)
Ó hAnnracháin, T., Catholic Reformation in Ireland: The Mission of Rinuccini 1645-1649 (Oxford, 2002)
Ó Siochrú, Micheál, Confederate Ireland 1642-1649: A Constitutional and Political Analysis (Dublin, 1999)
Ó Siochrú, Micheál (ed.), Kingdoms in Crisis: Ireland in the 1640s (Dublin, 2001)
Ó Siochrú, Micheál, God’s Executioner: Oliver Cromwell and the conquest of Ireland (London, 2008)
Perceval-Maxwell, Michael, The Outbreak of the Irish Rebellion of 1641 (Dublin, 1994)
Wheeler, James Scott, Cromwell in Ireland (Dublin, 1999)

Week 7: Restoration, Counter-Revolution and War: 1662-1691
Arnold, L. J., The Restoration Land Settlement in County Dublin, 1660-1688 (Dublin, 1993)
Arnold, L. J., ‘The Irish Court of Claims of 1663’, Irish Historical Studies, xxiv (1984-5), pp 417-30
Bottigheimer, Karl, ‘The Restoration Land Settlement in Ireland: A Structural View’, Irish Historical Studies, xviii (1972-3), pp 1-21
Childs, John, ‘The Williamite war, 1689-1691’ in Bartlett, T., & Jeffery, K. (eds), A Military History of Ireland (Cambridge, 1996), pp 188-210
Creighton, Anne, ‘The Remonstrance of December 1661 and Catholic politics in Restoration Ireland’, Irish Historical Studies, xxxiv (2004-5), pp 16-41
Dennehy, Coleman (ed.), Restoration Ireland: always settling and never settled (Aldershot, 2008)
Doherty, R., The Williamite War in Ireland (Dublin, 1998)
Gibney, John, Ireland and the Popish Plot (Basingstoke, 2009)
Kelly, James, Poynings’ Law and the making of law in Ireland 1660-1800 (Dublin, 2007), pp 17-46
Kenyon, John, The Popish Plot (London, 1972)
Lenihan, Padraig, 1690: Battle of the Boyne (Stroud, 2003)
Maguire, W. A. (ed.), Kings in Conflict: The Revolutionary War in Ireland and its Aftermath 1689- 1750 (Belfast, 1990)
McCafferty, John, ‘John Bramhall’s second Irish career, 1660-1663’ in in Kelly, James, McCafferty, John, & McGrath, C. I. (eds), People, Politics and Power: Essays on Irish History 1660-1850 in Honour of James I. McGuire (Dublin, 2009), pp 22-38
McGrath, C. I., ‘The Irish Experience of “Financial Revolution”, 1660-1760’ in McGrath, C. I. & Fauske, Chris (eds), Money, Power and Print: Interdisciplinary Studies on the Financial Revolution in the British Isles (Newark, 2008), pp 157-88
McGuire, James, ‘Richard Talbot, earl of Tyrconnell (1603-91) and the Catholic counter-reformation’ in Brady, Ciaran (ed), Worsted in the game: losers in Irish history (Dublin, 1989), pp 73-84
McGrath, C. I., ‘The Irish Experience of “Financial Revolution”, 1660-1760’ in McGrath, C. I. & Fauske, Chris (eds), Money, Power and Print: Interdisciplinary Studies on the Financial Revolution in the British Isles (Newark, 2008), pp 157-88
McGuire, James, ‘Why was Ormond dismissed in 1669?’, Irish Historical Studies, xviii (1972-3), pp 295-312
McGuire, James, ‘The Dublin Convention, the Protestant community and the emergence of an ecclesiastical settlement in 1660’ in Art Cosgrove and J. I. McGuire (eds), Parliament and community, Historical Studies, 14 (Belfast, 1983), pp 121-46
McGuire, James, ‘Policy and patronage: the appointment of bishops 1660-61’ in Alan Ford, J. I. McGuire and Kenneth Milne (eds), As by law established: the Church of Ireland since the Reformation (Dublin, 1995), pp 112-19, 249-51
McGuire, James, ‘Ormond and Presbyterian nonconformity, 1660-63’ in Kevin Herlihy (ed.), The politics of Irish dissent, 1650-1800 (Dublin, 1998), pp 40-51
McGuire, James, ‘A lawyer in politics: the career of Sir Richard Nagle c. 1636-1699’ in Judith Devlin and Howard B. Clarke (eds), European encounters: essays in memory of Albert Lovett (Dublin: UCD Press), pp 118-31
McKenny, Kevin, ‘Charles II's Irish Cavaliers: The 1649 Officers and the Restoration Land Settlement’, Irish Historical Studies, xxviii (1992-3), pp 409-25
Maynard, Hazel, ‘The Irish legal profession and the Catholic revival, 1660-1689’ in Kelly, McCafferty, & McGrath (eds), People, Politics and Power, pp 39-72
Miller, John, ‘The Earl of Tyrconnell and James II’s Irish Policy, 1685-1688’, Historical Journal, xx (1977), pp 803-23
O Ciardha, Eamonn, ‘The early modern Irish outlaw: the making of a nationalist icon’ in Kelly, McCafferty, & McGrath (eds), People, Politics and Power, pp 73-100
Simms, J. G., Jacobite Ireland 1685-91 (London, 1969; Dublin, 2000)
Simms, J. G., The Jacobite Parliament of 1689 (Dundalk, 1974)
Simms, J. G., The Treaty of Limerick (Dundalk, 1965)
Wauchope, Piers, Patrick Sarsfield and the Williamite War (Dublin, 1992)
Whelan, Bernadette (ed.), The Last of the Great Wars: Essays on the War of the Three Kings in Ireland 1688-91 (Limerick, 1995)

Week 8: Making a Protestant Kingdom: 1692-1734
Bartlett, Thomas, The Fall and Rise of the Irish Nation: The Catholic Question 1690-1830 (Dublin, 1992)
Bartlett, Thomas, & Hayton, D. W. (eds.), Penal Era and Golden Age: Essays in Irish History 1690-1800 (Belfast, 1979)
Bergin, John, Magennis, Eoin, Ní Mhunghaile, Lesa, and Walsh, Patrick (eds), New Perspectives on the Penal Laws: Eighteenth-Century Ireland Special Issue No. 1 (Dublin: Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society, 2011)
Burns, R. E., Irish parliamentary politics in the eighteenth century (Washington, D. C., 1991), 2 vols.
Burns, R. E., ‘The Irish Penal Code and some of its Historians’, Review of Politics, xxi (1959), pp 276-99
Burns, R. E., ‘The Irish Popery Laws: A study of Eighteenth-Century Legislation and Behavior’, Review of Politics, xxiv (1962), 485-508.
Connolly, S. J., Religion, Law and Power: The Making of Protestant Ireland 1660-1760 (Oxford, 1992)
Connolly, S. J., ‘The penal Laws’ in Maguire, Kings in Conflict, pp 157-172
Connolly, S. J., ‘Religion and History’, Irish Economic and Social History, x (1983), pp 66-80
Corish, P. J., The Catholic Community in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Dublin, 1981)
Fagan, Patrick, Divided Loyalties: The Question of an Oath for Irish Catholics in the Eighteenth Century (Dublin, 1997)
Ford, A., McGuire, J. I. & Milne, K. (eds.), As by Law Established: The Church of Ireland since the Reformation (Dublin, 1995)
Hayton, D. W., Ruling Ireland, 1685-1742: Politics, Politicians and Parties (Woodbridge, 2004)
James, F. G., Ireland in the Empire 1688-1770 (Cambridge, Mass., 1973)
Kelly, James, Poynings’ Law and the making of law in Ireland 1660-1800 (Dublin, 2007)
Kelly, James, ‘Sustaining a Confessional State: The Irish Parliament and Catholicism’ in Hayton, D. W., Kelly, J., and Bergin, J. (eds), The Eighteenth-Century Composite State: Representative Institutions in Ireland and Europe, 1689-1800 (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2010), pp 44-77
Kelly, Patrick, ‘William Molyneux and the Spirit of Liberty in Eighteenth-Century Ireland’, Eighteenth-Century Ireland, iii (1988), pp 133-48
Kelly, Patrick, ‘Lord Galway and the penal laws’ in Caldicott, C. E. J., Gough, H., & Pittion, J-P. (eds), The Huguenots and Ireland: Anatomy of an Emigration (Dun Laoghaire, 1987), pp 239-54
McGrath, C. I., The Making of the Eighteenth-Century Irish Constitution: Government, Parliament and the Revenue, 1692-1714 (Dublin, 2000)
McGrath, C. I., Ireland and Empire, 1692-1770 (London, 2012)
McGrath, C. I., ‘Securing the Protestant interest: The origins and purpose of the Penal Laws of 1695’, Irish Historical Studies, xxx (1996-7), pp 25-46
McGrath, C. I., ‘The provisions for conversion in the penal laws, 1695-1750’ in Brown, Michael, McGrath, C. I., and Power, T. P. (eds), Converts and Conversion in Ireland, 1650-1850 (Dublin, 2005), pp 35-59
Magennis, Eoin, The Irish Political System, 1740-1765: The Golden Age of the Undertakers (Dublin, 2000)
McNally, Patrick, Parties, Patriots and Undertakers: parliamentary politics in early Hanoverian Ireland (Dublin, 1997)
O’Brien, Gerard (ed.), Catholic Ireland in the Eighteenth Century: Collected Essays of Maureen Wall (Dublin, 1989)
Ó Ciardha, Éamonn, Ireland and the Jacobite Cause, 1685-1766 (Dublin, 2002)
Simms, J. G., The Williamite Confiscation in Ireland 1690-1703 (London, 1956)
Simms, J. G., ‘The Bishops’ Banishment Act of 1697’, Irish Historical Studies, xvii (1970-1), pp 185-99
Simms, J. G., ‘The making of a penal law (2 Anne, c. 6), 1703-4’, IHS, xii (1960-1), pp 105-18
Simms, J. G., ‘Irish Catholics and the Parliamentary Franchise, 1692-1728’, IHS, xii (1960-1), pp 28-37
Simms, J. G., War and politics in Ireland, 1649-1730, edited by D.W. Hayton and Gerard O’Brien (London, 1986)
Simms, J. G., William Molyneux of Dublin, 1656-1698 (Dublin, 1982)
Simms, J. G., Colonial Nationalism, 1698-1776: Molyneux’s The Case of Ireland, Stated (Cork, 1976)
Simms, J. G., ‘The Case of Ireland Stated’, in Brian Farrell (ed.), The Irish Parliamentary Tradition (Dublin, 1973), pp 128-38
York, N. L., Neither Kingdom nor Nation: The Irish Quest for Constitutional Rights, 1698-1800 (Washington, D. C., 1994)
Wall, Maureen, The Penal Laws (Dundalk, 1961)

Week 10: Penal Era or Golden Age? 1735-81
See previous section, plus the following:
Army Barracks of Eighteenth-Century Ireland - http://barracks18c.ucd.ie/
Art and Architecture of Ireland (New Haven, 2014), vols 2 (Painting, 1600-1900), 3 (Sculpture, 1600-2000), 4 (Architecture)
Connolly, Sean, ‘Jacobites, Whiteboys and Republicans: Varieties of disaffection in eighteenth-century Ireland’, Eighteenth-Century Ireland (2003), pp 63-79
Craig, Maurice, Dublin, 1660-1860 (Dublin, 1969; 1980; 1992, 2006)
Dickson, David, Dublin: the making of a capital city (Dublin, 2014)
Ferguson, O. W., Jonathan Swift and Ireland (Urbana, 1962)
Glendenning, Victoria, Jonathan Swift (London, 1998)
Hammond, Brean, Jonathan Swift (Dublin, 2010)
Johnston, E. M., Great Britain and Ireland, 1760-1800: A Study in Political Administration (Dublin, 1963)
McDowell, R. B., Ireland in the Age of Imperialism and Revolution, 1760-1801 (Oxford, 1979)
McMinn, Joseph, Jonathan’s Travels: Swift and Ireland (Belfast, 1994)
McParland, Edward, Public Architecture in Ireland 1680-1760 (New Haven, 2001)
Morley, Vincent, ‘Catholic disaffection and the oath of allegiance of 1774’ in Kelly, James, McCafferty, John, & McGrath, C. I. (eds), People, Politics and Power: Essays on Irish History 1660-1850 in Honour of James I. McGuire (Dublin, 2009), pp 122-42

Week 11: Patriots, Republicans and Unionists: 1782-1800
Bartlett, T., Dawson, K. & Keogh, D. (eds.), Rebellion (Dublin, 1998).
Bartlett, T., Dickson, D., Keogh, D. & Whelan, K. (eds.), 1798: A Bicentennial Perspective (Dublin, 2003).
Bolton, G. C., The Passing of the Irish Act of Union (Oxford, 1966).
Brown, Michael, Geoghegan, P. M., and Kelly, James (eds), The Irish Act of Union, 1800: Bicentennial Essays (Dublin, 2003).
Elliott, Marianne, Wolfe Tone: Prophet of Irish Independence (Liverpool, 1989)
Geoghegan, Patrick, The Irish Act of Union (Dublin, 1999)
Ingram, T. D., A History of the Legislative Union of Great Britain and Ireland (London, 1887)
Johnston, E. M., Great Britain and Ireland, 1760-1800: A Study in Political Administration (Dublin, 1963)
Kelly, James, Prelude to Union: Anglo-Irish Politics in the 1780s (Cork, 1992)
Kelly, James, Henry Grattan (Dundalk, 1993)
Keogh, D. & Whelan, K. (eds.), Acts of Union (Dublin, 2001)
McDowell, R. B., Ireland in the Age of Imperialism and Revolution, 1760-1801 (Oxford, 1979)
McDowell, R. B., Grattan: A Life (Dublin, 2001)
O’Brien, Gerard, Anglo-Irish Relations in the Age of Grattan and Pitt (Dublin, 1987)

Name Role
Professor John McCafferty Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Professor Ivar McGrath Lecturer / Co-Lecturer