There are recent translations of all Euripides’ plays by J. Davie (Penguin), J. Morwood (Oxford World’s Classics), and D. Kovacs (Loeb), all with useful introductions and bibliographies. There is also an older Penguin translation by P. Vellacott.
Books on Euripides
W. Allan, The Andromache and Euripidean Tragedy (Oxford, 2000)
C. Collard, Euripides (Oxford, 1981)
D.J. Conacher, Euripidean Drama (Toronto, 1967)
J.R.C. Cousland & J.R. Hume (eds.), The Play of Texts and Fragments: Essays in Honour of Martin Cropp (Leiden & Boston, 2009)
N.T. Croally, Euripidean Polemic: The Trojan Women and the Function of Tragedy (Cambridge, 1994)
M. Cropp, K. Lee, D. Sansone (eds.), Euripides and Tragic Theatre in the Late Fifth Century (ICS 24–25 [1999–20000]; Champaign, 2000)
F. Dunn, Tragedy’s End: Closure and Innovation in Euripidean Drama (Oxford, 1996),
H.P. Foley, Ritual Irony: Poetry and Sacrifice in Euripides (Ithaca, 1985)
J. Gregory, Euripides and the Instruction of the Athenians (Ann Arbor, 1991)
M. Lloyd, The Agon in Euripides (Oxford, 1992)
D.J. Mastronarde, The Art of Euripides (Cambridge, 2010)
D. Mendelsohn, Gender and the City in Euripides’ Political Plays (Oxford, 2002)
A.N. Michelini, Euripides and the Tragic Tradition (Madison, 1987)
J.M. Mossman (ed.), Euripides (Oxford Readings in Classical Studies; Oxford, 2003)
C. Segal, Dionysiac Poetics and Euripides’ Bacchae (2nd ed.; Princeton, 1997)
E. Segal (ed.), Oxford Readings in Greek Tragedy (Oxford, 1983)
M. Wright, Euripides’ Escape-Tragedies: A Study of Helen, Andromeda, and Iphigenia among the Taurians (Oxford, 2005)
The Bloomsbury Companions to Greek and Roman Tragedy series now has volumes on almost all of Euripides’ plays: Alcestis (N. Slater), Bacchae (S. Mills), Electra (R. Rehm), Hecuba (H. Foley), Heracles (E. Griffiths), Hippolytus (S. Mills), Ion (L. Swift), Iphigenia at Aulis (P. Michelakis), Iphigenia in Tauris (I. Torrance), Medea (W. Allan), Orestes (M. Wright), Phoenician Women (T. Papadopoulou), Suppliant Women (I. Storey), Trojan Women (B. Goff).