Youth and Cruelty in German Modernism Dr Jeanne Riou
GER 30190 / GER 40270
Sigmund Freud, „Die Verdrängung“, in: Gesammelte Werke, Anna Freud, E. Bibring, W. Hoffer, E. Kris, O. Isakower (eds.), Fischer: Frankfurt/Main 1999 (=11940 London), Vol. X.
„Über Kindheits- und Deckerinnerungen“), in: Gesammelte Werke, Anna Freud, E. Bibring, W. Hoffer, E. Kris, O. Isakower (eds.), Fischer: Frankfurt/Main 1999 (=11940 London), Vol. IV: Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens.
William James, The Principles of Psychology. Vol. One, Dover: New York 1950 (=11890).
Robert Musil, Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß, Rowohlt Verlag: Hamburg 2016.
Robert Walser, Jakob von Gunten, Suhrkamp: Frankfurt/Main 1985.
Arthur Schnitzler, „Der Sohn“, in: Meistererzählungen, Hans Weigel (ed), Diogenes: Zürich 1975.
Recommended Further Reading / Compulsory for GER 40270
Sigmund Freud, Das Ich und das Es, in: Gesammelte Werke, Anna Freud, E. Bibring, W. Hoffer, E. Kris, O. Isakower (eds.), Fischer: Frankfurt/Main 1999 (=11940 London), Vol. XIII. (*Optional, also for GER 40270)
Franz Kafka, Das Urteil und andere Prosa, Reclam: Stuttgart 1995
Ernst Mach, Die Analyse der Empfindungen und das Verhältnis des Psychischen zum Physischen (1885), 2nd revised edition, Jena 1900.
J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, Penguin: London 1994 (Recommended)
Brookemann, Christopher, “Pencey Prep: Cultural Codes in The Catcher in the Rye”, in: New Essays on the Catcher in the Rye, Cambridge: CUP 1991.
De Cauwer, Stijn, “Robert Musil’s Cultural Diagnostics in the Light of Nietzschean Immunology”, in: Neophilologus, 96, (2012) , pp- 411–425. (NB. While this focuses more on Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften than on Törleß, it nevertheless offers a good account of (i) Musil’s perspective on Nietzsche and (ii) how he approaches the relationship between art and morality.
Dowden, Stephen D., Sympathy for the Abyss: A Study in German Modernism: Kafka, Broch, Musil and Thomas Mann, Niemeyer: Tübingen 1986.
Frederick, Samuel and Heffernan, Valerie, Robert Walser. A Companion, Northwestern University Press: Illinois 2018.
Grimwade, Robert, “Between the Quills: Schopenhauer and Freud on Sadism and Masochism”, in: The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 92: 1 (2011), pp. 149-169.
Hickmann, Hannah, Robert Musil and the Culture of Vienna, Croon Helm: London, Sydney 1984.
Hoffmann, Birthe, “Eine menschliche Moderne? Robert Musils Versuch einer neuen Synthese auf dem Boden der Gestalttheorie“, in Musiliana, 17, 2018,
Jared Parmer, W., “Nietzsche and the Art of Cruelty”, in: The Journal of Nietzsche Studies, Volume 48, Issue 3, Autumn 2017, pp. 402-429.
Nübel, Birgitt & Wolf, Norbert Christian, Robert Musil Handbuch, de Gruyter: Berlin, Boston 2016.
Plug, Jan, “Guilty: Of Nothing (Jakob von Gunten)”, in: ESC: English Studies in Canada, 32, 1, 2006, pp. 161-182.
Riou, Jeanne, Anthropology of Connection. Perception and its Emotional Undertones in German Philosophical Discourse: 1880-1930, Königshausen & Neumann: Würzburg, 2014.
Rochelle, Tobias, “The Double Fiction in Robert Walser's ‘Jakob von Gunten"”, in: The German Quarterly, Vol. 79, No. 3, Focus on Literature around 1900 (Summer, 2006), pp. 293-307
Published by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the American Association of Teachers of German
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Rogowski, Christian, “Re-Calibrating German Modernity”, in: Germanic Review, 85, 2, 2010
Ryan, Judith, “The Vanishing Subject: Empirical Psychology and the Modern Novel”, in: PMLA
Vol. 95, No. 5 1980, pp. 857-869.
Smith, Peter D., “The Scientist as Spectator: Musil’s ‘Törleß’ and the Challenge to Mach’s Neo-Positivism”, in: The Germanic Review, 5, 2000.
Stöhr, Ingo R., “The First Decade of the Twentieth Century: Aestheticism – Impressionism and Symbolism”, in: German Literature of the Twentieth Century. From Aestheticism to Postmodernism, Camden House: Rochester, NY 2001, pp. 12-20.
Stopp, Elisabeth, “Musil's ‘Törless’: Content and Form”, in: The Modern Language Review, 63, 1, 1968, p. 94-118.
Goldgar, Harry, “The Square Root of minus One: Freud and Robert Musil's Törless”, in: Comparative Literature, 17, 2, 1965, pp. 117-132.
Utz Peter, Tanz auf den Rändern. Robert Walsers Jetztzeitstil, Suhrkamp: Frankfurt/Main 2018.
„Robert Walsers ‚Jakob von Gunten‘. Eine ‚Null‘-Stelle der Deutschen Literatur“, in: Deutsche Vierteljahresschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte, 74, 2000, pp. 448-512.