Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of the module students should be able to:
• Demonstrate comprehension of medium-length clips from topical podcast and audiovisual material in German.
• Summarise information and synthesise ideas in writing.
• Show a commitment to autonomous learning by researching independently from German-language media.
• Express different positions on a current issue in written German using a variety of grammatical structures and appropriate vocabulary and idiom.
• Keep up a casual conversation with a good level of fluency, coping with abstract expressions.
• Take part in oral presentations and discussions, using the appropriate register and a wide range of vocabulary.
Indicative Module Content:
This module explores audio-visual and written materials drawn from a variety of media including TV documentaries, online audio-visual and press sources that deal with personalities from different historical periods and different aspects of German-speaking society. It focuses on advanced written and oral production and comprehension in German, supporting students as they independently refine their grammatical knowledge and expand their vocabulary to present portraits of selected persons and hypothesize about their views on social, cultural and political issues. In addition to the class hours, class preparation and formative homework exercises, students are expected to sign-up for 3 short "Gesprächstermine" in groups of 2 during the trimester (2 in weeks 1-7, 1 in weeks 9-12). Ample slots will be given out in advance.