GER 20260 Radical Thinkers (Dr Jeanne Riou)
Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, (New York, 1951, Penguin Classics edition) (Excerpts in English will be read in class. Note: Arendt first published this text in English in exile in the USA. References to German translation available on request).
Georg Büchner, Complete Plays, Lenz and Other Writings, Transl. with Introduction and Notes by John Reddick, Penguin: London, 1993.
Georg Büchner, “Der Hessische Landbote“, in G. Büchner, Werke und Briefe, ed. by Josef Goertz, (Diogenes: Frankfurt a.M., 1988)
Immanuel Kant, Toward Perpetual Peace and Other Writings on Politics, Peace and History, ed. with an Introduction by Pauline Kleingeld, trans. David Colclasure, (New Haven & London, Yale U. P., 2006).
(The English translation will be used in class, but the German text is available as Immanuel Kant, “Zum ewigen Frieden”, Schriften zur Anthropologie, Geschichtsphilosophie, Politik und Pädagogik. Werkausgabe Bd. X ed. by Wilhelm Weischedel (Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M., 1981)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Part 2, trans. by Franklin Philip (Oxford University Press: Oxford, New York, 1994).
(The English translation will be used in class, but a French-German bilingual version is available on request).
On Arendt
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
URL:_ (Good Introductory Article on Hannah Arendt)
Sigwart, Hans-Jörg, “Political characterology: On the method of theorizing in Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism”, in: The American Political Science Review, 2016, no. 110 (2), pp. 265-277.
doi: (This is quite a difficult article, and cross-references quite a few Arendt scholars. It does contain a few paragraphs on anti-Semitism in The Origins of Totalitarianism which some may find helpful.)
Staudenmaier, Peter, “Hannah Arendt's analysis of antisemitism in The Origins of Totalitarianism: a critical appraisal”, in: Patterns of Prejudice, 2012, no. 46:2, pp. 154-179, DOI: 10.1080/0031322X.2012.672224 NB. Staudenmaier himself is highly critical of Arendt’s analysis of anti-Semitism, and summarises similar criticisms that have been made by other scholars.
Video Material
The short video (below) offers a very short, but succinct overview of The Origins of Totalitarianism:
Interview with Hannah Arendt from 1964 on Modernity. Followed by another video. Not directly relating to The Origins of Totalitarianism, but interesting and informative. NB. In German, but with English subtitles, so strongly recommended!
Hannah Arendt über das Jahr 1933 (1964 Interview in German). In this video in German, Hannah Arendt speaks about her experience of the year of Hitler’s coming to power in 1933.
Canovan, Margaret, Hannah Arendt: A Reinterpretation of Her Political Thought, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1992. (In James Joyce Library)
Kienpointner, Manfred, “Revolutionary Rhetoric”. Georg Büchner’s ‘Der Hessische Landbote’ (1834) – A Case Study, in: Argumentation (2007) 21:129–149.
(Note: Kienpointner is a ‘rhetorician’ – a scholar who studies rhetoric. His article is informative, if slightly wooden. The first sections may be of most benefit!)
Schaub, Gerhard, Weidig, Friedrich Ludwig, Der Hessische Landbote: Texte, Materialen, Kommentar', Volume 202;1;(, München, Carl Hanser, 1976) (In James Joyce Library)
This is a very good volume. In German!
Doyle, Michael W.,, "Kant and Liberal Internationalism", in: Immanuel Kant, Toward Perpetual Peace and Other Writings on Politics, Peace and History, ed. with an Introduction by Pauline Kleingeld, trans. David Colclasure, (New Haven & London, Yale U. P., 2006), pp. 201-242.
Holland, Ben. “The Perpetual Peace Puzzle: Kant on Persons and States.” Philosophy & Social Criticism, vol. 43, no. 6, July 2017, pp. 599–620.
NB. While this author ultimately defends Kant from those critics who have argued that the text is too contradictory, the Ben Holland article itself could be quite confusing, as it spends some time going into these contradictions (which not everyone agrees are contradictions).
Huggler, Jørgen, “Cosmopolitanism and Peace in Kant’s Essay”, in: Studies in Philosophical Education, (2010) 29:129–140.
Kleingeld, Pauline. "Approaching Perpetual Peace: Kant's Defence of a League of States and His Ideal of a World Federation." European Journal of Philosophy, vol. 12, no. 3, 2004, pp. 304-325.
NB. This is a good article, but it is quite long and also not altogether easy, as it goes into a number of criticisms of Kant’s essay in order, ultimately, to defend it.
Pojman, Louis P. "Kant's Perpetual Peace and Cosmopolitanism," in: Journal of Social Philosophy, vol. 36, no. 1, 2005, pp. 62-71.
ON MARX/ENGELS (and slightly more broadly on German History)
Available on JSTOR through UCD Connect/My Library:
Ormerod, R. J., “The History and Ideas of Marxism: The Relevance for OR”, in: The Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 59, No. 12 (Dec., 2008), pp. 1573-1590 (esp. the first 10 pages are helpful)
Laski, Harold J., Introduction to the Communist Manifesto, in: Social Scientist, Vol. 27, No. 1/4 (Jan. - Apr., 1999), pp. 49-111
Additional Reading Available In UCD Library:
Hobsbawm, Eric: The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848, London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson 1995 (11962)
The Age of Empire 1875-1914, Abacus: London 1994 (=11987)
Sheehan, James J., German History 1780-1866, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1989.